Wednesday, May 16, 2007

7:00 a.m.

Capitol Extension, Room E1.012






Pursuant to suspension of Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Standing Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education was held on Wednesday, May 16, 2007, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.012, at Austin, Texas.







Senator Judith Zaffirini, Chair

Senator Royce West


Senator Kip Averitt

Senator Dan Patrick

Senator Tommy Williams




The chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.  The following business was transacted:


The chair laid out anew HB 1213 by Representative Pitts and recognized the Senate sponsor,       Senator Carona, to explain the bill.


HB 1213 was left pending to await a quorum.


The chair laid out HB 3236 by Representative Cook and recognized the Senate sponsor,    Senator Hager, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


HB 3236 was left pending to await a quorum.


The committee stood at ease from 7:04 a.m. to 7:08 a.m.


The chair laid out HB 1250 by Representative Howard and recognized Senator West to explain the by sponsored by Senator Patrick.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


HB 1250 was left pending to await a quorum.


The chair laid out HB 3449 by Representative Rose and recognized the Senate sponsor,    Senator Wentworth, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


HB 3449 was left pending to await a quorum.


The chair laid out HB 3851 by Representative Morrison and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Shapiro, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


HB 3851 was left pending to await a quorum.


Senator West assumed the chair at 8:22 a.m.


The chair laid out HB 1427 by Representative Alonzo and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Zaffirini, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


HB 1427 was left pending to await a quorum.


The chair laid out HB 3114 by Representative Swinford and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Zaffirini, to explain the bill.


Names of witnesses who testified and registered for, against, or on the bill are on the attached list. The chair closed public testimony.


HB 3114 was left pending to await a quorum.


At 8:24 a.m. Senator Zaffirini resumed the chair.


No action was taken on the following bills: SB 2049, HB 589, HB 2978.




There being no further business, at 8:24 a.m. the committee was recessed, subject to the call of the chair. 





Senator Judith Zaffirini, Chair




Lauren Hendrix, Clerk