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To consider the following: |
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| Relating to charitable poker runs that benefit certain nonprofit organizations; providing a penalty. |
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| Relating to the operation and regulation of charitable bingo and the use of bingo proceeds. |
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| Relating to the sale of mixed beverages aboard certain passenger vessels. |
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| Relating to the regulation of fire protection sprinkler technicians. |
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| Relating to the requirement to hold a certificate of registration as a landscape architect. |
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| Relating to the regulation of interior designers; providing penalties. |
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| Relating to the use of a card-minding device to play bingo. |
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| Relating to the prizes awarded in a progressive bingo game. |
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| Relating to promotional activities engaged in by a local distributor of alcoholic beverages. |
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| Relating to a court order for a land surveyor to cross land. |
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| Relating to renewal of certain alcoholic beverage permits held by a corporation. |
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| Relating to the sale of lottery tickets at a location at which a person holds an alcoholic beverage permit. |