11:00 AM or 30 minutes upon adjournment
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Senate Chamber
Senator Mike Jackson
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Executive Commissioner of Health and Human Services Commission
Albert Hawkins           Appointed 02-07-07 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-09
Employees Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees
Ira Craig Hester         Appointed 10-19-05 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 08-31-10
Division of Workers' Compensation, Texas Department of Insurance
Albert Betts             Appointed 02-13-07 for a        Wentworth
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-09
Injured Employee Public Counsel
Norman W. Darwin         Appointed 02-13-07 for a        Estes
Parker County            term to expire 02-01-09
The following nominees will not appear:
Crime Stoppers Advisory Council
Nelda L. Garcia          Appointed 03-13-06 for a        Hinojosa
Jim Wells County         term to expire 09-01-08
Melvin Ray Joyner        Appointed 04-07-06 for a        Estes
Wichita County           term to expire 09-01-08
Emerson Frederick Lane   Appointed 02-09-07 for a        Hegar
Victoria County          term to expire 09-01-08
Dorothy Jon Flores       Appointed 03-13-06 for a        Fraser
Spinks                   term to expire 09-01-09
Blanco County

Brian Thomas             Appointed 03-13-06 for a        Seliger
Potter County            term to expire 09-01-09
District Attorney, 29th Judicial District, Palo Pinto County
Michael Kent Burns       Appointed 02-12-07 for a        Estes
Palo Pinto County        term to expire 11-04-08
Finance Commission of Texas
Mike Bradford            Appointed 04-13-06 for a        Seliger
Midland County           term to expire 02-01-12
Vidal Gonzalez           Appointed 09-01-06 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 02-01-12
Johnny Lewis Snider      Appointed 04-13-06 for a        Nichols
Shelby County            term to expire 02-01-12
Governing Board of the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Caroline Kupstas Daley   Appointed 02-09-07 for a        Williams
Harris County            term to expire 01-31-11
Michelle DeAnn Goodwin   Appointed 02-09-07 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-13
Deborah Louder           Appointed 02-09-07 for a        Duncan
Tom Green County         term to expire 01-31-11
Robert K. Peters         Appointed 02-09-07 for a        Eltife
Smith County             term to expire 01-31-11
Texas Growth Fund Board of Trustees
Robert J. Ellis          Appointed 09-08-05 for a        Wentworth
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-09
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Sharon T. Carr           Appointed 11-28-05 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 09-28-11
Sally Ann Reynolds       Appointed 02-10-06 for a        Hegar

Aransas County           term to expire 09-28-11
Texas Mutual Insurance Company Board
Richard A. Cooper        Appointed 09-12-05 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 07-01-11
Jacob M. Monty           Appointed 09-12-05 for a        Janek
Harris County            term to expire 07-01-11
Delia M. Reyes           Appointed 06-23-06 for a        Harris
Denton County            term to expire 07-01-11
North Texas Tollway Authority Board of Directors
Robert Kelly Shepard     Appointed 08-15-06 for a        Estes
Parker County            term to expire 08-31-07
Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
Rebecca Hill Brou        Appointed 08-23-05 for a        Hegar
Aransas County           term to expire 02-01-11
Roy D. McCoy             Appointed 08-23-05 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-09
Miguel Mojica            Appointed 08-23-05 for a        Harris
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-09
James C. Wendlandt       Appointed 12-04-06 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-11
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
Rosemary Combs           Appointed 08-10-06 for a        Shapleigh
El Paso County           term to expire 08-31-11
Alice G. Mendoza         Appointed 08-10-06 for a        Lucio
Kleberg County           term to expire 08-31-11
Jeanne D. Waggener       Appointed 08-10-06 for a        Averitt
Mclennan County          term to expire 08-31-11
State Bar of Texas

Bill Burch               Appointed 09-22-06 for a        Harris
Tarrant County           term to expire 06-01-07
Rodolfo Garcia           Appointed 06-06-05 for a        Uresti
Presidio County          term to expire 06-01-08
Lloyd M. Garland         Appointed 06-01-05 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 06-01-07
Sandy Stewart            Appointed 06-01-05 for a        Nichols
Smith County             term to expire 06-01-08
Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities
Chuck Brewton            Appointed 10-05-05 for a        Van de Putte
Bexar County             term to expire 01-31-11
Scott D. Burford         Appointed 10-05-05 for a        Wentworth
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-11
James Michael            Appointed 02-09-07 for a        Shapiro
Daugherty                term to expire 01-31-13
Dallas County
Margaret Pfluger         Appointed 10-05-05 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 01-31-11