11:00 AM or 30 minutes upon adjournment
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Senate Chamber
Senator Mike Jackson
To consider the following:
The following nominees will appear:
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
Ivan Arturo Andarza      Appointed 03-06-07 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 01-31-13
Yvonne Batts             Appointed 11-02-05 for a        Fraser
Taylor County            term to expire 01-31-11
Frank Houston Landis     Appointed 11-02-05 for a        Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 01-31-11
Connie Sue Sitterly      Appointed 03-06-07 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-13
Phil W. Worley           Appointed 03-09-07 for a        Zaffirini
Webb County              term to expire 01-31-13
The following nominees will not appear:
Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers
David R. Schmidt         Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Wentworth
Bexar County             term to expire 01-31-13
Rebecca Spurlock         Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Nelson
Tarrant County           term to expire 01-31-09
Michael Alan Waters      Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Nichols
Angelina County          term to expire 01-31-13
David J. Weir            Appointed 04-13-06 for a        Ogden
Brazos County            term to expire 01-31-11
Texas Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Margaret Hasse Cowen     Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Wentworth

Bexar County             term to expire 02-01-08
Richard E. Garnett       Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Brimer
Tarrant County           term to expire 02-01-08
Donna Nelson Geiger      Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Ogden
Williamson County        term to expire 02-01-09
Anna Penn Hundley        Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Shapiro
Dallas County            term to expire 02-01-09
Opal Irvin               Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Ogden
Lee County               term to expire 02-01-08
Frank Christian          Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Watson
McCamant                 term to expire 02-01-09
Travis County
Manuel Macedonio Vela    Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Lucio
Cameron County           term to expire 02-01-09
Ports of Galveston County Board of Pilot Commissioners
Vandy Anderson           Appointed 10-17-06 for a        Janek
Galveston County         term to expire 02-01-08
Edgar A. Bircher         Appointed 10-17-06 for a        Janek
Galveston County         term to expire 02-01-07
Elizabeth A. Iles        Appointed 10-17-06 for a        Jackson
Galveston County         term to expire 02-01-08
Edward A. Janek          Appointed 03-09-07 for a        Jackson
Galveston County         term to expire 02-01-11
Diane Hemmig Kerkhove    Appointed 10-17-06 for a        Jackson
Galveston County         term to expire 02-01-10
Upper Guadalupe River Authority
Lana M. Edwards          Appointed 03-20-06 for a        Fraser
Kerr County              term to expire 02-01-11
Mike Boyd McKenzie       Appointed 03-20-06 for a        Fraser
Kerr County              term to expire 02-01-11

Karol A. Schreiner       Appointed 03-20-06 for a        Fraser
Kerr County              term to expire 02-01-11
3rd Judicial District Court, Anderson, Henderson, and Houston Counties
Mark Alan Calhoon        Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Nichols
Anderson County          term to expire 11-04-08
430th Judicial District Court, Hidalgo County
Thomas P. Wingate        Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Hinojosa
Hidalgo County           term to expire 11-04-08
State Commission on Judicial Conduct
Ernie Houdashell         Appointed 03-21-07 for a        Seliger
Randall County           term to expire 11-19-11
Thomas Lawrence          Appointed 03-22-07 for a        Patrick
Harris County            term to expire 11-19-09
Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation
Mike Arismendez          Appointed 09-07-05 for a        Duncan
Lubbock County           term to expire 02-01-09
Lewis J. Benavides       Appointed 11-02-05 for a        Nelson
Denton County            term to expire 02-01-11
Frank S. Denton          Appointed 03-12-07 for a        Nichols
Montgomery County        term to expire 02-01-13
Lilian Norman-Keeney     Appointed 08-22-05 for a        Jackson
Harris County            term to expire 02-01-11
Texas State Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners
Doris A. Couch           Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Averitt
Johnson County           term to expire 07-10-11
Travis A. Motley         Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Brimer
Tarrant County           term to expire 07-10-11
Ana Urukalo              Appointed 03-23-07 for a        Watson

Travis County            term to expire 07-10-11
Pending business:
Executive Commissioner of Health and Human Services Commission
Albert Hawkins           Appointed 02-07-07 for a        Watson
Travis County            term to expire 02-01-09
** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **