| | | |
March 14, 2007 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess |
| | | Bresnen, Steve (Texas Family Law Foundation) |
| | | Emerson, Sally (Texas Family Law Foundation) |
| | | Thomas, Shantell (Self and Sales) |
| | | |
| | | Woodburn, Doug (Texas Family Law Foundation) |
| | | Getting, Roy (Texas Father's Alliance) |
| | | Green, Robert L. (Self and Texas Parent's Alliance) |
| | | Metusalem, Dean (Self and Financial Analyst) |
| | | Mire, Chris (Self and Engineer) |
| | | Montz, Drew (Self and Texas Parents Alliance, Real Estate Sales) |
| | | Rueffer, Eddie (Self and Texas Parent Alliance, Engineer, TX Parent) |
| | Registering, but not testifying: |
| | | Bruegel Cox, Heidi (Self and Attorney) |
| | | Burke, Cecelia (Texas Assn of Domestic Relations Offices) |
| | | Joshi, Sudhir (Self and Sales Manager) |