HB  1594
Insurance Committee
March  5, 2007  upon final adjourn./recess
Agnew, Brian (Texas Medical Group Management Association & Catalyst Consulting)
Hunsaker, MD, Jerry D. (Texas Medical Assn)
Ronderos, Jaime (Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)
Wolfe, Jared (Texas Association of Health Plans)
Registering, but not testifying:
Acosta MD, Manuel L.  (Self)
Banning, Tom (Tx Academy of Family Physicians)
Benavides, Luis M  (Self)
Blanco, Alex  (Self)
Bradley, William T.  (Self)
Buckingham, Dawn  (Self)
Capelo, Jaime (Texas Chapter of the American College of Cardiology)
Capelo, Jaime (Texas Ambulatory Surgery Center Society)
Cox, MD, James S.  (Self)
Edwards MD, Betty J.  (Self and Texas Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists)
Floyd, MD, Gary  (Self and Texas Pediatric Society)
Fuller, M.D., Gregory M.  (Self)
Heaven, Ralph  (Self)
Hendrix, Harry (Capitol Anesthesiology Assn)
Hunsaker, Keely  (Self)
Janke M.D., Marilyn  (Self)
Kolodzey, Senior Dir, Patricia (Texas Hospital Association, 6225 Hwy 290E, Austin, TX, 78723)
Luedecke, Robert A.  (Self)
Marwitz, David (Texas Dermatological Society)
O'Brien, Sister Michele (Christus Health)
O'Brien, Sister Michele  (Self and Christus Santa Rosa Healthcare)
Price, David  (Self)
Pruden, Shellie (Texas Medical Group Mgmt Association)
Romero, Michelle (Texas Academy of Internal Medicine Services)
Sewell, Adam  (Self)
Shelton MD, Mark M.  (Self)
Swanson MD, Lisa  (Self)
Thorstenson, MD, Lyle  (Self)
Weaver, Eric (Texas Medical Group Mgt. Assoc., Capital Cardiovascular Specialists)