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March 19, 2007 - 10:00 AM or upon final adjourn./recess |
| | | Burnham, Joan (Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundable) |
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| | | Harrell, Will (ACLU, NAACP, LULAC) |
| | | Jermstad, Todd (Texas Probation Association) |
| | | Place, Allen (Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Assn.) |
| | | Rayfield, Penny (Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable) |
| | | Yanez-Correa, Ana (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition) |
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| | | Levin, Marc (Texas public policy foundation) |
| | | Plumlee, Tom (Tarrant County CSCD Probation Advisory Committee) |
| | | White, Bonita (Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Community Justice Assistance Div.) |
| | Registering, but not testifying: |
| | | Hupp, Suzanna (Texans for Public Safety Solutions) |
| | | Olson, Beth (Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission) |
| | | Pichinson, Michael (Texas Conference of Urban Counties) |
| | | Tafoya, Marcelo (League of Latin American Citizens (LuLac) District 7) |
| | | Miller, Greg (Tarrant County District Attorney) |