| | | | | | | | Appropriations-S/C on Regulatory Committee |
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| | | | October 23, 2007 - 10:00 AM |
| | | | | | | | | | | | Sartwelle, Thomas (Self and Jim Johnston, M.D.) |
| | | | | | | Campbell, M.D., Andrew (Self and Medical Center for Immune and Toxic Disorders) |
| | | Chalifoux, Jr., D.O., Roland (Self) |
| | | de Wet, M.D., Pieter (Self) |
| | | | | | | | | Kuhne, M.D., R. Chris (Self) |
| | | Lang, D.O., Howard (Self) |
| | | Lewis, D.O., Harold (Self) |
| | | | | | Mills, D.O., Billy (Self) |
| | | | | | Pigott, M.D., Shirley (Self and Texas Medical Board Watch) |
| | | | | | Schlafly, Andrew (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) |
| | | Sebring, M.D., Lane (Self) |
| | | | | | Stewart, M.D., James (Self and McAllen Primary Care Clinic) |
| | | Trevino, Dee (Self and McAllen Primary Care Clinic) |
| | | Wiener, M.D., Isidoro (Self) |
| | | | | | | Eichelberger, Reba (Self) |
| | | Fredricks, Melinda (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Garanflo, Jaime (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Garcia, Dr., Tom (Texas Medical Association and Harris County Medical Society) |
| | | Herring, J.D., Mary Elizabeth (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Hochman, M.D., Joel (Self and National Foundation for the Treatment of Pain) |
| | | Kalafut, D.O., Roberta (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Mahoney, D.O., James (Self) |
| | | McFarland, Jane (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Patrick, Donald (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Pena, M.D., Francisco (Self) |
| | | Price, Larry (Self and Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Rea, M.D., William (Self) |
| | | Robinson, Mari (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Simpson, Robert (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) |
| | | Trompler, M.D. J.D., Vicky (Self) |
| | | Turner, Tim (Texas Medical Board) |
| | | Weitz, Tim (Self and McDonald, Mackay, and Weitz, LLP) |
| | | | | | Registering, but not testifying: |
| | | Marcus, M.D., Howard (Texas Alliance for Patient Access) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Winslow, Alex (Texas Watch) |
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