Corrections Committee
March  28, 2007 - 1:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Texas Youth Commission
Alexander, Bryan  (Self)
Benedick, Iris (Gainesville State School)
Bennett, Cora (Texas Youth Commission)
Bradshaw, Cathy  (Self)
Brockway, Rev. Dr. Dana  (Self)
Bruce, Terrilee (Kenneth Bruce (TYC) (Evins))
Cannon, Katrina  (Self)
Case, Ken (Gainesville  Texas Youth Commission)
Chaffu, Don  (Self and Eric Miller 1079610)
Cox, Tony (Texas State Employees Union)
Crawford, Linda  (Self)
Dowhower, Sherri  (Self)
Dykes, William Dale  (Self)
Flores, Julian (Texas Youth Commission)
Frink, Roy C.  (Self)
Galloway, Genger  (Self)
Gam, Clifford  (Self)
Garcia, Donna  (Self and West Texas State School)
Gatliff, Brian  (Self)
Geisler, Deborah  (Self and child at TYC facility)
Gillam, Le (South Eastern Christian)
Gray, Maria (West Texas State School)
Gross, Michael  (Self and Texas State Employees Union)
Guajando, Anita (Juan Manuel Albarado)
Hampton, Deontay  (Self)
Hill, Linda  (Self)
Holly, Greg (Ward County)
Hunter, Shinley  (Self)
Ibanez, Diana  (Self)
Ines, Debbie  (Self)
Jackson, Tarsha  (Self)
Johnson, Deborah  (Self and Moishe (Moses) Turner)
Kimbrough, Jay  (Self)
Kindred, Larry  (Self)
Lively, Kenneth  (Self)
Lovelace, Stephanie (family)
Luna Sr, Rick  (Self)
Malazzo, Judy (teachers from McLennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility (MCSJCF))
Martin, Brian  (Self and Texas State Employees Union)
Martinez, Mary Jane  (Self)
Marx, Victor  (Self and All Things Possilbe)
Miller, Valquitta  (Self)
Mize, Chaplain Shane  (Self)
Moore, Veronica  (Self)
Powdrill, Terri (Kermit H. Powdrill III)
Raymond, Max  (Self)
Richmond, Jane  (Self)
Rios, Joe (West Texas State School)
Rodriguez, Abby  (Self and McLennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility (MCSJCF))
Roger, Charity  (Self)

Seaton, Don  (Self)
Shackelford, Brad  (Self)
Slattery, Dottie  (Self)
Slattery, William  (Self)
Smith, Diana  (Self)
Smith, J. Grant  (Self)
Smith, Suzanne (West Texas State School (employees))
Sorgman, Donnie (Kenneth Bruce (TYC) (Evins))
Sossaman, Robert  (Self)
Stewart, Tony  (Self and Alan Walters: Superintendent of McLennan County State Juvenile Correctional Facility)
Taylor, John (Kingdom Knights Ministry)
Thomas, Brenda  (Self)
Trammell, Nancy (Gainesville State School)
Trevino JCO III, Christopher  (Self)
Vonsenden, Melissa  (Self)
Waples, Demetreus (Texas State Employees Union and McLennan County Correctional Facility)
Watson, Diane  (Self)
Wiebe, Pamela  (Self)
Williams, Jennifer  (Self)
Williams, Loretta  (Self)
Williams, Mark (Gainesville State School)
Wilson, Chris  (Self)
Woodruff, Becky  (Self)
Zuniga, Veronica  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Ashby, Kevin  (Self)
Bailed, Ronald  (Self)
Bergman, Sandy (State Volunteer Resource Council: Texas Youth Commission)
Gutierrez, Isela (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)
Hellums, Johnny  (Self)
Lopez, Eduardo B. (West Texas State School)
Lydia, Bob (Texas National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP))
Mikulastik, Thomas A.  (Self)
Miller, Brad  (Self)
Miller, Mike  (Self)
Mullins, Charlotte Beth  (Self)
Nyberg, Joy  (Self)
Phillips, Thomas  (Self)
Rhodes, Ann Lee  (Self and West Texas State School)
Ronald, Bailey  (Self)
Sanchez, Dr. Juan (Texas Coalition Advocating Justice for Juveniles (TCAJJ))
Scott, Sharon  (Self)
Smith, Jodie (Texas Care for Children)
Strickland, Steve (West Texas State School)
Tafoya, Marcelo (League of United Latin American Citizens)
Welsch, PhD, Marie  (Self)