Higher Education Committee
April  2, 2007 - 8:00 AM
HB  1213
Bennett, S. Leon (Southern Methodist University)
Registering, but not testifying:
McDonald, Carol L. (Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc.)
HB  1358
Forbes, Tom (South Texas College of Law)
Registering, but not testifying:
Brothers, Gregory A. (South Texas College of Law)
McDonald, Carol L. (Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc.)
HB  1418
Lawson, Ph. D., Gayla H.  (Self)
McManners, John (Sam Houston State University Alumni Association)
Varner, Angela R. (The Student Government Association Sam Houston State University)
Whitaker, Christopher (The Student Body of Sam Houston State University, Student Government Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
McKnight, Jason  (Self)
Nelson, Joshua  (Self)
Othold, Lauren  (Self)
Sizemore, Mike  (Self)
HB  1419
Lawson, Ph. D., Gayla H.  (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Christian, Wayne  (Self)
Sizemore, Mike  (Self)
HB  2074
Aanstoos, Jim (Hutto Economic Development Corporation)
Borrer, David P. (Hutto ISD)
McCarter, S. Chuck (Temple College, East Williamson County Higher Education Center)
Nelson, John (Taylor Economic Development Corp.)
Scott, Bruce (Taylor Independent School District)
Velasquez, Sally (Hutto Economic Development Corporation)
Registering, but not testifying:
Ancera Jr., Jesse  (Self)
Clarke, Joni  (Self)
Dunaway, Jim D.  (Self)
Holland, Debbie, Mayor Pro-Tem Hutto  (Self)
Jez, Ella, Taylor City Council (Taylor City Council)
Johnson, Jean  (Self)
Kahl, Shanta, Taylor Chamber of Commerce (East Wm. Cnty Higher Education)
Love, Kenneth L.  (Self)
Rhoades, Robert  (Self)
Smith, Mark  (Self)
Goeman, James (TX Higher Ed Coordinating Board)
Rejino, David (The Texas A&M University System)
HB  2173
Trost, Amy, Policy Analyst (Sunset Advisory Commission)
HB  2834
O'Quinn, Michael (Texas A&M University)
HB  2978
Dickerson, Kenneth R. (Association of Engineering Advisory Boards)
Registering, but not testifying:
Dickerson, Barbara  (Self)
Mayfield, A. Dwain (Texas A&M Engineering Advisory Board)
Rodriguez, Jennifer Shelley (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics)
Cornelius, Reinold (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)

HB  3114
Ceja, Marc (West Texas A&M University-President SGA)
Cortez, James (Texas A&M International University Student Government)
Currie, Blaze (Chancellor's Student Advisory Board Texas A&M System)
Menter, Andrew (Highland Campus Health Group)
Ramoz, Amber (Texas A&M University-Commerce Student Government Association-President)
Taunton, Nicholas (Texas A&M University Students)
Barnes, Gary (West Texas A&M University)
Brown, Bob (Texas A&M University-Commerce)
Garcia, Jose (Tex A&M International University)
Keck III, Ray M. (Texas A&M International University)
O'Brien, J. Patrick (West Texas A&M University)
Reber, Tom (Texas A&M University-Student Affairs)
Rejino, David (The Texas A&M University System)
Registering, but not testifying:
Barat, Frank (Texas A&M University Student Body)
HCR 159
Hunt, Woody (Governor's Business Council)
Paredes, Raymund, Commissioner (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)
Registering, but not testifying:
McMahan, T. Vance  (Self)