Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations Committee
May  15, 2007 - 8:00 AM
SB  516
Lindner, Ray (National Guard Association of Texas)
Caldwell, Jane (Tx Higher Education Coordinating Board)
SB  685
Lindner, Ray (National Guard Association of Texas)
Registering, but not testifying:
Caldwell, Jane (Tx Higher Education Coordinating Board)
SB  1058
Boatman, William J.  (Self and Texas Chapter 915 Vietnam Veterans of America)
McCrary, Roy L. (Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 915 Austin, TX.)
Nunn, John  (Self and VVA, TAVV, DAV, Khe Sahn Veterans Assoc. 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
Brown, William King  (Self)
Miterko, John A. (Vietnam Veterans of America, Texas State Council)
Sabo, Jason (United Ways of Texas)
SCR 17
Elam, Earl (Texas Heritage Museum)
Kappus, Sheryl (Hill College, Tx Heritage Museum)
Versluis, John (Texas Heritage Museum, Hill College)