Intermediate Care Facility Services, Select Committee
February  12, 2008 - 8:30 AM
ICF Services
Bright, Mike (The Arc of Texas)
Castle, Danette (Texas Council of Community MHMR Centers)
Corbett, Garth (Advocacy, Inc)
Faithfull, Mary (Advocacy, Inc)
Horn, Adelaide (Department of Aging and Disability Services)
Horton, Colleen (Texas Center for Disability Studies, Univ. of Texas)
Jaloway Gill, Norine (The Arc of Texas)
Mitchell, Beth (Advocacy, Inc)
Payne, Susan (PART-Parent Association for the Retarded of Texas)
Piedfort, Pascual (The Arc of Texas)
Smith, Carole (Private Providers Association of Texas (PPAT))
Taylor, Gordon (TX Department of Aging and Disability Services)
Travis, Jamie (The Arc of Texas)
Urban, Karl (Department of Family and Protective Services)
Waller, Barry C. (Department of Aging and Disability Services)
Ward, Nancy (PART-Parent Association for the Retarded of Texas)
Webb, Roger (Tx Council for Developmental Disabilities)