Public Health Committee
February  19, 2007  upon final adjourn./recess
HB  1098 - Committee Substitute  (Laubenberg)
Armenti, Carol Ann (Center for Cervical Health)
Bone, Vicki  (Self)
Bullock, J. Brent  (Self)
Canada, Leola  (Self)
Chunn, Tama  (Self and Life Advocates)
Davis, Caroline M.  (Self)
Dolan, M.D., Dr. Moira (Medical Accountability Network)
Drenner, Julie (Texans for Family Values PAC)
Flower, M.D, Linda W. (Texas Physicians Resource Council)
Glass, Delbert  (Self)
Hotze, Margaret (Dr. Steven F. Hotze)
Markham, Gerry Anne  (Self)
Morrow, Robert  (Self)
Richardson, Dawn (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education PROVE)
Saenz, Jonathan (Free Market Foundation)
Sotelo, Leonor  (Self)
Taylor, Michelle  (Self)
Akin, M.D., Mark  (Self)
Bell, Jessica  (Self)
Buchanan, Tracey  (Self)
Edwards, Betty  (Self)
Oldham, Melanie  (Self)
Sweet, Amy  (Self)
Tyson, M.D., Edward P.  (Self)
Vail, Amanda  (Self)
Bell, Charles E. (Tx. Health & Human Services Commission)
Edwards, M.D., Betty Jo (Texas Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists)
Gerstenschlager, Merry Lynn  (Self and Texas Eagle Forum)
Lakey, M.D., David (Dept. of State Health Services)
Rider, Jane (Texas Academy Family Physicians, Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Medical Association)
Sims, Jack C. (Department of State Health Services)
Registering, but not testifying:
Andrew, Ellie  (Self)
Clardy, Joanna  (Self)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen, Inc)
Vatterott, Judy  (Self and Life Advocates & myself as a grandmother of 4 girls)
Brenner, Elizabeth (Texas Association of Planned Parenthood)
Burcham, Heather  (Self)
Ellis, Randall (Legacy Community Health Services)
Fuelberg, Curtis (Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas)
Littles, Paula (Texas AFL CIO)
Paffe, Heather (Texas Association of Planned Parenthood Affiliates)
Swope Lieck, Cheryl  (Self)
Walsh, Margaret R.  (Self)
Wheat, Sarah (Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region)
Campbell, M.D., Fred  (Self)
Milbourne, Andrea (U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)
Wilkes, Catherine (Christus Health)

HB  1379
Gerstenschlager, Merry Lynn  (Self and Texas Eagle Forum)
Lakey, MD, David (Dept. of State Health Services)
Registering, but not testifying:
Brenner, Elizabeth (Texas Association of Planned Parenthood Affiliates)
Bullock, J. Brent  (Self)
Canada, Leola  (Self)
Edwards, MD, Betty Jo (Texas Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists)
Ellis, Randall (Legacy Community Health Services)
Fuelberg, Curtis (Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Tx)
Gray, James (American Cancer Society)
Haverlah, Sandra (Planned Parenthood of North Texas)
House, Marc  (Self)
Littles, Paula (Texas AFL-CIO)
Paffe, Heather (Texas Association of Planned Parenthood Affiliates)
Perkins, Vicki (Christus Santa Rosa Children's Hospital)
Rose, Denise (Texas Children's Hospital)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen, Inc)
Vail, Amanda  (Self)
Walsh, Margaret R.  (Self)
Wilkes, Catherine (Christus Health)
Flower, MD., Linda W. (Texas Physicians Resource Council)
Bone, Vicki  (Self)
Buchanan, Tracey  (Self)
Dolan, M.D., Dr. Moira (Medical Accountability Network)
Richardson, Dawn (Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education)
Sims, Jack (Department of State Health Services)
Sweet, Amy  (Self)
Taylor, Michelle  (Self)