Regulated Industries Committee
(Subcommittee on Renewable Energy and Transmission)
April  18, 2007 - 3:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
HB  2226 - Committee Substitute  (CSHB 2226/Coleman)
Cook, Chris (Sun Edison)
Smith, Kari (PV NOW, ASPU)
Registering, but not testifying:
Hinkle, Dan (BP America)
Serface, Joel  (Self)
HB  2226
Gruber, Richard  (Self and DT Solar)
Hunter, Ryan (Meridian Energy Systems)
Kuhn, Michael  (Self and Imagine Solar Int'l)
Metzger, Luke (Environment Texas)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter of Sierra Club)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Davis, Stephen J (Alliance for Retail Markets)
Fainter Jr, John W. (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc.)
Registering, but not testifying:
Alvarez, Ph.D., Ramon (Environmental Defense)
Hadden, Karen (Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition)
Howard, Jay (Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)
Hughes, Janet (Global Energy Designs, Inc)
Melhem, Manal (Public Citizen)
Oldham, Melanie  (Self)
Pitts Jr, John (Texas Renewable Energy Industries Assoc.)
Taylor, Steve (Applied Materials, INC.)
Jewell, Michael (Direct Energy, CPL Retail Energy & WTU Retail Energy)
HB  3895
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter of Sierra Club)
Smith, Tom 'Smitty' (Public Citizen)
Fainter, Jr, John W. (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc)
Zion, Mark (Texas Public Power Association)
Registering, but not testifying:
Alvarez, Ph.D., Ramon (Environmental Defense)
Melhem, Manal (Public Citizen)
Metzger, Luke (Environment Texas)
Craven, Eric (Texas Electric Cooperatives)
Davis, Stephen J (Alliance for Retail Markets)
Jewell, Michael (Direct Energy, CPL Retail Energy, and WTU Retail Energy)
HB  3903
Metzger, Luke (Environment Texas)
Moorhead, Bee (Texas Impact)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone Star Chapter of Sierra Club)
Davis, Stephen J (Alliance for Retail Markets)
Fainter Jr, John W. (Association of Electric Companies of Texas, Inc)
Jones, Sam (ERCOT)
Registering, but not testifying:
Alvarez, Ph.D., Ramon (Environmental Defense)
Freeman, Charles H. (Texas Renewable Energy Industries, Assn)
Fruge, Jordan (New Point Energy Solutions, Standard Renewable Energy)
Hadden, Karen (Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition)

Hughes, Janet (Global Energy Designs, Inc.)
Hunter, Ryan (Meridian Energy Systems)
Mayberry, Warren (Texas Farm Bureau)
Melhem, Manal (Public Citizen)
Oldham, Melanie  (Self)
Hastings, Debbie (Texas Oil & Gas Association)
Mcbeth, Kelly (Texas Energy Assn. for Marketers (TEAM))
Jewell, Michael (Direct Energy, CPL Retail Energy & WTU Retail Energy)