State Affairs Committee
March  19, 2007 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
HB  295
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Becka, Carolyn  (Self and Take Back your Rights PAC c/o Dr. & Mrs. David Becka)
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Brooks, Jeffrey E. (Texas Public Interest Research Group)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna SabDivision, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Cobarruvias, John (Homeowners Against Defecient Dwellings)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Egert, Pat  (Self)
Fogal, Jordan  (Self)
Freeland, Dan  (Self)
Freeland, Sherry  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lockhart, Becky  (Self)
Lockhart, Sam  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel V.  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Ed (Edward)  (Self and Sub Division "Villa De Fortuna" San Antonio Teras)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Poenisch, Gary M.  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Burchfield, John  (Self and GHBA; David Weekley Homes)
Carter, Jerry  (Self and Texas Association of Builders)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Association of Greater Dallas)
Davis, James (Texans for Lawsuit Reform)
Little, WT  (Self and SE TX Bldrs Ass'n)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Assoc.)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Bracken, Geoff  (Self and Perry Homes, A Joint Venture)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Carlisle, Kristin (Texas Low Income Houseing Information Service)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Escobar, Charles  (Self)
Herrera, David  (Self)
Herrera, Ivy  (Self)

Lewis, Fred  (Self)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Baker, Carol  (Self and HBA of Greater Austin)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Connally, Ron  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assoc.)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
Wright, Susan (Greater San Antonio Bldrs Assn)
Staub, Christopher (Destiny Homes)
HB  295 - Committee Substitute  (Christian)
Registering, but not testifying:
Loftis, Jr., H. Lee (Ind. Insurance Agents of Texas)
HB  326
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Brooks, Jeffrey E. (Texas Public Interest Research Group)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sabdivision, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Cobarruvias, John (Homeowners Against Defecient Dwellings)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Egert, Pat  (Self)
Fogal, Jordan  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Edward Elbert  (Self and Villa De Fortuna - KB)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Subdivision)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Assoc.)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Carlisle, Kristin (Texas Low Income Houseing Information Service)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Escobar, Charles  (Self)
Herrera, Ivy  (Self)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Wright, Susan (Greater S.A. Builders Assn)

HB  340
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa be Fortuna)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones M.D., Eldo  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Ed  (Self and Villa De Fortuna - Subdivision KB Home)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Subdivision)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Becka, Carolyn  (Self and Take Back your Rights PAC c/o Dr. & Mrs. David C. Becka)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Escobar, Charles  (Self)
Herrera, Ivy  (Self)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
HB  609
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De La Fortuna)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sab. Division, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones M.D., Eldo  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Edward Elbert  (Self and Self Ed Ocampo SR.)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
S Combs, Guy  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub division)
Anderson, Raymond (Harris County Public Infrastructure Dept.)
Burchfield, John  (Self and GHBA; David Weekley Homes)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Carter, Jerry  (Self and Texas Association of Builders)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Assn. of Greater Dallas)
Little, WT  (Self and SE Tex Bldrs Ass'n)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)

Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Assoc.)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Becka, Carolyn  (Self and Take Back your Rights PAC c/o Dr. & Mrs. David C. Becka)
Childers, Randall R. (City of Waco & BOAT (Building Officials Assoc. of Texas))
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Escobar, Charles  (Self)
Herrera, David  (Self)
Herrera, Ivy  (Self)
Olk, Jim (Building Officials Asso. of Texas)
Shah, Ravi (Building Official Association of Texas (BOAT))
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Urban, John Paul (Harris County)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Connally, Ron  (Self and Texas Panhandle Bldr. Assoc.)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
Wright, Susan (Greater San Antonio Bldrs Assn)
HB  617
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De La Fortuna)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Ed  (Self and Villa De Fortuna/Precious DR., SAHA Homes, KB)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
St. Clair Combs, Guy  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub division)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Assn. of Greater Dallas)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Lerin, Mark (Texas public policy foundation center for effective justice)
Little, WT  (Self and SE Tex Bldrs Ass'n)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Allison, Jim (County Judges & Commissioners Assn. of Tx)

Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Escobar, Charles  (Self)
Fernandez, Paula M. (State Farm Insurance)
Floyd, Beaman (Allstate, State Farm, USAA, Nationwide, American Insurance Association (TCAIS Coalition))
Herrera, Ivy  (Self)
Loftis, Lee (Independent Insurance Agents of TX)
Olk, Jim (Building Officials Association of Texas)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Urban, John Paul (Harris County)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Dieter, Alison  (Self)
HB  617 - Committee Substitute  (Swinford)
Registering, but not testifying:
Thompson, Rick (Texas Assoc. of Counties)
Vasquez, Michael (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)
HB  1038
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Brooks, Jeffrey E. (Texas Public Interest Research Group)
Burchfield, John  (Self and Greater Houston Builders Association; David Weekley Homes)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Carter, Jerry  (Self and Texas Association of Builders)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Assn. of Greater Dallas)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Egert, Pat  (Self)
Freeland, Sherry  (Self)
Little, W.T.  (Self and Southeast Texas Builders Ass'n)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Ocampo SR., Edward E.  (Self and Villa De Fortuna Subdivision, KB Homes)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Bracken, Geoff  (Self and Perry Homes, A Joint Venture)
Cobarruvias, John (Homeowners Against Defecient Dwellings)
Contreras, Carlos (KB Home)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Bulow, Brooke (HBA of Greater Austin)
Connally, Ron  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builder Association)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Stout, Bob (Newland Communities Texas)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
Wright, Susan (Greater S.A. Bldrs Assn)
Poenisch, Gary M.  (Self)
HB  1039
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)

Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Carter, Jerry  (Self and Texas Association of Builders)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Assn. of Greater Dallas)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sab.-Division, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Jones M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Little, WT  (Self and SE Tx Bldrs Ass'n)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Ocampo SR, Edward E.  (Self and Villa De Fortuna SAHA Advocate)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Subdivision)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Bulow, Brooke (HBA of Greater Austin)
Connally, Ron (Texas Panhandle Builders Association)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
Loftis, Lee (Independent Insurance Agents of TX)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Shah, Ravi (Building  Offical Association of Texas (BOAT))
Short, Jim (Ft. Bend County)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Stout, Bob (Newland Communities Texas)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
Wright, Susan (Greater S.A. Bldrs Assn)
St. Clair Combs, Guy  (Self)
Dick, Alexis (Texas Department of Insurance)
HB  1531
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sab.-Division, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Ed  (Self and Villa De Fortuna - Advocate)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)

S Combs, Guy  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub-Division)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Assn. of Greater Dallas)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Little, W.T.  (Self and SE Tex Builders Ass'n)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
HB  1686
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Brooks, Jeffrey E. (Texas Public Interest Research Group)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sabdivision, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Cobarruvias, John (Homeowners Against Defecient Dwellings)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Egert, Pat  (Self)
Fogal, Jordan  (Self)
Freeland, Dan  (Self)
Freeland, Sherry  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Edward Elbert  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub-Division)
Burchfield, John  (Self and GHBA; David Weekley Homes)
Davis, James (Texans for Lawsuit Reform)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Pearson, Stacy  (Self)
Puente, Jr., Frank (Hispanic Contractors Assoc. of the Rio Grande Valley & Puente Roofing Contractors)
S Combs, Guy  (Self)
Bracken, Geoff  (Self and Perry Homes, A Joint Venture)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Becka, Carolyn  (Self and Take Back your Rights PAC c/o Dr. & Mrs. David C. Becka)

Carlisle, Kristin (Texas Low Income Houseing Information Service)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
HB  1762
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De La Fortuna)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub-Division)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Wright, Susan (Greater San Antonio Bldrs Assn)
HB  2008
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Brooks, Jeffrey E. (Texas Public Interest Research Group)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa Fortuna)
Cobarruvias, John (Homeowners Against Defecient Dwellings)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Fogal, Jordan  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Lewis, Fred  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR., Ed  (Self and Villa De Fortuna Advocate)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Sanchez, Joe (AARP - Texas)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Winslow, James  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub-division)
Burchfield, John  (Self and GHBA; David Weekley Homes)

Carter, Jerry  (Self and Texas Association of Builders)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Association of Greater Dallas)
Davis, James (Texans for Lawsuit Reform)
Little, WT  (Self and SE TX Bldrs Ass'n)
McGuire, Rick  (Self and West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Becka, Carolyn  (Self and Take Back your Rights PAC c/o Dr. & Mrs. David C. Becka)
Carlisle, Kristin (Texas Low Income Houseing Information Service)
Combs, Guy  (Self)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Olk, Jim (Building Officials Association of Texas)
Smith, Tom Smitty (Public Citizen)
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Connally, Ron  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Association)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
Wright, Susan (Greater San Antonio Builders Assn.)
HB  2721
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)
Bolton, Pamela J (Texas Watch)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Brooks, Jeffrey E. (Texas Public Interest Research Group)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Chenault, Virginia  (Self and Dorina Corrente)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sabdivision, K.B. Home)
Cobarruvias, John (Homeowners Against Defecient Dwellings)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Fogal, Jordan  (Self)
Freeland, Dan  (Self)
Freeland, Sherry  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lockhart, Becky  (Self)
Lockhart, Sam  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Ocampo SR, Edward Elbert  (Self and "Villa De Fortuna" Subdivision "KB Home Buy Back")
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Rylander, Debra  (Self)
Smith, Kericia E.  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Washington, Rodney  (Self)

Winslow, James A.  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub Division)
Burchfield, John  (Self and GHBA; David Weekley Homes)
Carter, Jerry  (Self and Texas Association of Builders)
Cauduro (KA door o'), Paul (Home Builders Association of Greater Dallas)
Connally, Ron  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Association)
Davis, James (Texans for Lawsuit Reform)
Little, WT  (Self and SE TX Bldrs Ass'n)
McGuire, Rick (West Texas Home Builders Asso.)
Montelongo, Rick  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Banda, Marco A.  (Self)
Becka, Carolyn  (Self and Take Back your Rights PAC c/o Dr. & Mrs. David C. Becka)
Carlisle, Kristin (Texas Low Income Houseing Information Service)
Crump, Mike  (Self)
Lewis, Fred  (Self)
Smith, Tom "Smitty" (Public Citizen)
Baker, Carol  (Self and Home Builders Assn. of Greater Austin)
Calcote, J.C.  (Self and Texas Panhandle Builders Assn.)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Wood, Kathryn (Greater Houston Builders Association)
Wright, Susan (Greater San Antonio Bldrs Assn.)
HB  2914
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blueridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Cintron, Luis A.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sab Division, K.B. Home, Buy Back)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones, M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Sub Division)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub-division)
Combs, Guy  (Self)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
Crump, Mike  (Self)
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
HB  2936
Adame-Battle, Stephanie  (Self)
Ahmad, Janet (Homeowners for Better Building)

Bowler, Irma  (Self and Blue-Ridge Subdivision)
Cabrera, Patricia  (Self and Villa De Fortuna)
Carriker, Steven (Tx Assn of Community Development Corps.)
Corrente, Dorina  (Self)
Hudson, Connie  (Self)
Jones M.D., Eldo M.  (Self)
Kushner, Marcia  (Self)
Lyda, Teresa  (Self)
Martinez, Raquel  (Self and Villa Fortuna Subdivision)
Moore, Michael D.  (Self and Greater San Antonio Builders Association)
Norman, Scott (Texas Association of Builders)
Olivares, Sara Ann  (Self and Villa La Fortuna Subdivision)
Pena, Alfonso  (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie  (Self)
Yuman, Cynthia G.  (Self and Villa de Fortuna Sub-division)
Bracken, Geoff  (Self and Perry Homes, A Joint Venture)
Eberwine, Mark  (Self)
Waddill, A Duane (Texas Residential Construction Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
De Hoyos, Henrietta  (Self)
Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)
Winslow, James A.  (Self)