April 17, 2007 - 07:30 AM
HB  314
Registering, but not testifying:
Canaday, Jennifer M.  Lobbyist  (ATPE),  Austin, TX
Eckhart, Harley  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Assn.),  Austin, TX
Gustafson, Lindsay  Director of Public Affairs  (TCTA),  Austin, TX
Pena, Martin  Executive Director  (South Texas Association of Schools),  Laguna Vista, TX
Shields, Brad  Lobbyist  (Texas, Mothers, of Multiples),  Austin, TX
HB  566
Cobos, David M.  Justice of the Peace, Chairman Legislative Committee  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Assoc of Texas),  Midland, TX
Hayes, Lawanda  Rec.Ret.Pub.Ed:  36 tot. yrs. 18 yrs as Dir. PEIMS/Acct.  (Self),  Orange, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Beneski, Amy  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Association of School Administrators),  Austin, TX
Canaday, Jennifer M.  Lobbyist  (ATPE),  Austin, TX
Lewis, Johnny  Justice of the Peace  (Self),  Murphy, TX
HB  978
Registering, but not testifying:
Beneski, Amy  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Association of School Administrators),  Austin, TX
Shields, Brad  Legislative Consultant  (TX Smokestack School Coalition),  Austin, TX
SB  217
Cobos, David M.  Justice of the Peace, Chairman-Legis Committee  (Justices of the Peace and Constables Assoc. of Texas),  Midland, TX
Hayes, Lawanda  Rec.Ret.Pub.Ed:  36 tot. yrs. 18 yrs as Dir. PEIMS/Acct.  (Self),  Orange, TX
Lewis, Johnny  Justice of the Peace  (Tex. Justice Court Judges Assoc.),  Murphy, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Gustafson, Lindsay  Dir of Public Affairs  (TCTA),  Austin, TX
Lain, Jackie  Assoc. Exec Dir.  (TX Assn of Sch Bd),  Austin, TX
SB  1456
Ketcham, Janet  Executive Director  (CASA, self),  San Antonio, TX
McClure, Madeline  Executive Director  (Tex Protects, the Texas Association for the Protection of Children),  Dallas, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Beneski, Amy  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Association of School Administrators),  Austin, TX
Canaday, Jennifer M.  Lobbyist  (ATPE),  Austin, TX
Eckhart, Harley  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Assn.),  Austin, TX
Gustafson, Lindsay  Director of Public Affairs  (TCTA),  Austin, TX
Lain, Jackie  Assoc. Exec. Dir.  (TX Assoc. of Sch Bds.),  Austin, TX
Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel  (Texas Federation of Teachers),  Austin, TX
Shields, Brad  Legislative Consultant  (TX Smokestack School Coalition),  Austin, TX
SB  1517
Lain, Jackie  Assoc. Exec. Dir.  (TX Assn. of Sch. Bds.),  Austin, TX
SB  1788
Beneski, Amy  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Association of School Administrators),  Austin, TX
Gregg, Brock  GR Director  (ATPE),  Austin, TX
Gustafson, Lindsay  Director of Public Affairs  (TCTA),  Austin, TX
Lain, Jackie  Assoc. Exec. Dir.  (TX Assn. of Sch Bds.),  Austin, TX
Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel  (Texas Federation of Teachers),  Austin, TX
Terry, Brooke  Education Policy Analyst  (Texas Public Policy Foundation),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Brownson, Amanda  Associate  (Texas School Alliance),  Austin, TX
Leyden, Tom  Associate Executive Director  (Texas Association of Secondary School Principals),  Austin, TX