October 20, 2008 - 09:00 AM
Career and Technical Education  (Invited Testimony)
Hackney, Janeen  TIVA President, CTE Educator  (TIVA, Lubbock ISD),  Lubbock, TX
Arrants, George  Industry Relation  (Lubbock ISD and TIVA),  Lake Jackson, TX
Landis, Bill  Executive Dir. of Technology and Career Technology Education  (Lubbock ISD
Lubbock ISD),  Lubbock, TX
Patterson, Terri  Director of Workforce Development  (Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA)),  Lubbock, TX
Walker, Jim  Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Learning  (South Plains College),  Lubbock, TX
Career and Technical Education (Public Testimony)
Barrow, Dan  Manager of Craft and Craft Supervision  (Zachry Holdings Inc.),  Pleasanton, TX
Bellsnyder, Luke  Executive Director  (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Lindsay, David M.  Retired-Senior Manager Lyondell Chemical Co.  (self),  Spicewood, TX
Fainter Jr., John W.  President  (Association of Electric Companies of Texas Inc),  Austin, TX
Fisher, Jon  President  (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas),  Austin, TX
Garcia, Rosena  Director-Career and Technical Education  (Houston ISD),  Houston, TX
Rivero, Hector  President  (Texas Chemical Council and Assoc. of Chemical Industry of Texas),  Austin, TX
Terry, Brooke  Education Policy Analyst  (Texas Public Policy Foundation),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Scheberle, Drew  SR Vice President  (Austin Chamber of Commerce),  Austin, TX
Providing written testimony:
Erben, Andrew  President  (Texas Institute for Education Reform),  Austin, TX
English Language Learners (Inviited Testimony)
Vaughn, Sharon    (Self),  Austin, TX
English Language Learners (Public Testimony)
Cervantes-Soon, Claudia    (Texas Center for Education Policy),  Austin, TX
Garcia, Emmanuel  Research Associate  (Texas Center for Education Policy-UT),  Austin, TX
Lopez, Patricia  Research Associate  (Texas Center for Education Policy),  Austin, TX
Romero, Jesse  Consultant  (Texas Association for Bilingual Education (T.A.B.E.)),  San Antonio, TX
Implementation of HB 188/Textbooks  (Invited Testimony)
Tucker, Toby  Assistant Superintendent  (Childress ISD),  Childress, TX
Abrams, Jonathan  Vice President Regional Sales Director  (John Wiley and Sons Inc.),  Hoboken, NJ
Givens, Anita  Acting Associate Commissioner, Standards and Programs  (TEA),  Austin, TX
Hegarty, Kevin P.  Vice President and Chief Financial Officer  (Univ. of Texas at Austin),  Austin, TX
Skelly, Stacy  Director for Higher Education  (Association of American Publishers),  Washington, DC
Thierstein, Dr. Joel  Associate Provost/Executive Director  (Rice University/Connexions),  Houston, TX
Implementation of HB 188/Textbooks  (Public Testimony)
Gutierrez, Jesse  Director, Public and Government Affairs  (McGraw-Hill Education),  Brooklyn, NY
Registering, but not testifying:
Wilson, John  Superintendent  (Childress Independent School District),  Childress, TX
Implementation of HB 2237 (Invited Testimony)
Scott, Robert  Commissioner of Education  (TEA),  Austin, TX
Implementation of HB 2237 (Public Testimony)
Lindsay, David M.  Retired-Senior Manager Lyondell Chemical Co.  (self),  Spicewood, TX
Bellnsyder, Luke  Executive Director  (Texas Association of Manufacturers),  Austin, TX
Fainter Jr., John W.  President  (Association of Electric Companies of Texas Inc),  Austin, TX
Fisher, Jon  President  (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas),  Austin, TX
Mossige, Theresa  Theresa Mossige, Principal, W.C. Stripling, FWISD  (Fort Worth ISD),  Fort Worth, TX
Parrish, Deborah L.  retired Texas Special Ed teacher-32 yrs. experience  (self),  San Antonio, TX
Quinzi, Patty  Legislative Counsel  (Texas-American Federation of Teachers),  Austin, TX
Rivero, Hector  President  (Texas Chemical Council and Assoc. of Chemical Industry of Texas),  Austin, TX