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Career and Technical Education (Invited Testimony) |
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| Hackney, Janeen TIVA President, CTE Educator (TIVA, Lubbock ISD), Lubbock, TX |
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| Arrants, George Industry Relation (Lubbock ISD and TIVA), Lake Jackson, TX |
| Landis, Bill Executive Dir. of Technology and Career Technology Education (Lubbock ISD Lubbock ISD), Lubbock, TX |
| Patterson, Terri Director of Workforce Development (Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA)), Lubbock, TX |
| Walker, Jim Dean of Continuing Education and Distance Learning (South Plains College), Lubbock, TX |
Career and Technical Education (Public Testimony) |
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| Barrow, Dan Manager of Craft and Craft Supervision (Zachry Holdings Inc.), Pleasanton, TX |
| Bellsnyder, Luke Executive Director (Texas Association of Manufacturers), Austin, TX |
| Lindsay, David M. Retired-Senior Manager Lyondell Chemical Co. (self), Spicewood, TX |
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| Fainter Jr., John W. President (Association of Electric Companies of Texas Inc), Austin, TX |
| Fisher, Jon President (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas), Austin, TX |
| Garcia, Rosena Director-Career and Technical Education (Houston ISD), Houston, TX |
| Rivero, Hector President (Texas Chemical Council and Assoc. of Chemical Industry of Texas), Austin, TX |
| Terry, Brooke Education Policy Analyst (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX |
| Registering, but not testifying: |
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| Scheberle, Drew SR Vice President (Austin Chamber of Commerce), Austin, TX |
| Providing written testimony: |
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| Erben, Andrew President (Texas Institute for Education Reform), Austin, TX |
English Language Learners (Inviited Testimony) |
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| Vaughn, Sharon (Self), Austin, TX |
English Language Learners (Public Testimony) |
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| Cervantes-Soon, Claudia (Texas Center for Education Policy), Austin, TX |
| Garcia, Emmanuel Research Associate (Texas Center for Education Policy-UT), Austin, TX |
| Lopez, Patricia Research Associate (Texas Center for Education Policy), Austin, TX |
| Romero, Jesse Consultant (Texas Association for Bilingual Education (T.A.B.E.)), San Antonio, TX |
Implementation of HB 188/Textbooks (Invited Testimony) |
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| Tucker, Toby Assistant Superintendent (Childress ISD), Childress, TX |
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| Abrams, Jonathan Vice President Regional Sales Director (John Wiley and Sons Inc.), Hoboken, NJ |
| Givens, Anita Acting Associate Commissioner, Standards and Programs (TEA), Austin, TX |
| Hegarty, Kevin P. Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Austin, TX |
| Skelly, Stacy Director for Higher Education (Association of American Publishers), Washington, DC |
| Thierstein, Dr. Joel Associate Provost/Executive Director (Rice University/Connexions), Houston, TX |
Implementation of HB 188/Textbooks (Public Testimony) |
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| Gutierrez, Jesse Director, Public and Government Affairs (McGraw-Hill Education), Brooklyn, NY |
| Registering, but not testifying: |
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| Wilson, John Superintendent (Childress Independent School District), Childress, TX |
Implementation of HB 2237 (Invited Testimony) |
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| Scott, Robert Commissioner of Education (TEA), Austin, TX |
Implementation of HB 2237 (Public Testimony) |
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| Lindsay, David M. Retired-Senior Manager Lyondell Chemical Co. (self), Spicewood, TX |
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| Bellnsyder, Luke Executive Director (Texas Association of Manufacturers), Austin, TX |
| Fainter Jr., John W. President (Association of Electric Companies of Texas Inc), Austin, TX |
| Fisher, Jon President (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas), Austin, TX |
| Mossige, Theresa Theresa Mossige, Principal, W.C. Stripling, FWISD (Fort Worth ISD), Fort Worth, TX |
| Parrish, Deborah L. retired Texas Special Ed teacher-32 yrs. experience (self), San Antonio, TX |
| Quinzi, Patty Legislative Counsel (Texas-American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX |
| Rivero, Hector President (Texas Chemical Council and Assoc. of Chemical Industry of Texas), Austin, TX |