| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Woodward, Ben Judge 119th District Court (Schleicher and Tom Green County District Courts) |
| | | | Allen, John O. VP UTMB Correctional Managed Care (University of Texas Medical Branch) |
| | Castle, Danette Chief Executive Officer (Texas Council of Community MHMR Centers), Austin, TX |
| | Cockerell, Carey Commissioner (Dept. of Family and Protective Services), Austin, TX |
| | Crocker, Terry Chief Executive Officer (Tropical Texas Behavioral Health) |
| | Dudley, Kenneth Hospital Administration (Dept. of State Health Services) |
| | | | Gadon, Dianne L. Administrator (TYC) |
| | Hawkins, Albert Commissioner (HHSC), Austin, TX |
| | Lakey, David Physician, Commissioner (DSHS), Austin, TX |
| | McCown, F. Scott Executive Director (CPPP), Austin, TX |
| | McDermott, Jim Executive Director (Tarrant County MHMR Center), Fort Worth, TX |
| | Nedelkoff, Richard Convservator (TX Youth Commission), Austin, TX |
| | Nicolas, Ken C. Exec. Dir. - CJD (Gov's Office), Austin, TX |
| | Parikh, M.D., R.C. Medical Director (TYC), Austin, TX |
| | Parks, Ursula Assistant Director (Legislative Budget Board), Austin, TX |
| | Payne, Susan homemaker (Self), College Station, TX |
| | Pharr, Machelle Chief Financial Officer (Department of State Health Services), Austin, TX |
| | Scallion, Marva LBB Manager (LBB), Austin, TX |
| | Sill, Cindy Executive Dir. (Tri-County MHMR Services), Conroe, TX |
| | Smith, Shelley Chief Executive Officer (West Texas Centers for MHMR), Big Spring, TX |
| | Spiller, Lee Researcher (Citizens Commission on Human Rights), Austin, TX |
| | Suehs, Tom Financial Services (HHSC), Austin, TX |
| | Thyssen, Monica Children's Mental Health Policy Specialist (Advocacy, Inc.), Austin, TX |
| | Wadge, Gyl Public Policy Director (Mental Health America of Texas) |
| | White, Rebecca CFO (Ofc of Gov), Austin, TX |
| | Registering, but not testifying: |
| | | | Ferrara, Sandra Director, Clinical and Administrative Programs (UTMB Correctional Managed Care), Galveston, TX |
| | Spieker, Dianna Tom Green Co. Treasurer (Tom Green Co.), San Angelo, TX |
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