Transportation & Homeland Security
July 9, 2008 - 08:00 AM (MST)
Illegal Immigration
Raposo, Marco  Peace & Justice Director  (Catholic Diocese of El Paso),  El Paso, TX
Aldrete, Eddie  Board Member  (Texas Employers for Immigration Reform),  San Antonio, TX
Bock, II, Bennie  Chairman of Labor Committee  (Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association),  Fort Worth, TX
Boyd, Larry  Police Chief  (Irving Police Department - City of Irving),  Irving, TX
Byrd, Shane  Captain  (Texas Department of Public Safety),  Midland, TX
Garcia, Fernando  Executive Director  (Border Network for Human Rights),  El Paso, TX
Mayer, Matt  Visiting Fellow  (The Heritage Foundation),  Washington, DC
McCraw, Steve  Director  (Governor's Office of Homeland Security),  Austin, TX
Morse, Ann  Program Director  (NCSL),  Washington, DC
Rodriguez, Jose R.  El Paso County Attorney Office  (El Paso County Attorney Office),  El Paso, TX
Walker, Kathleen Campbell  Immediate Past President  (American Immigration Lawyers Association),  El Paso, TX
West, Arvin  Sheriff  (Hudspeth County Sheriff),  Sierra Blanca, TX
Wiles, Richard  Former Chief of Police  (Self),  El Paso, TX
Wood, Brandon  Assistant Director  (Texas Commission on Jail Standards),  Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Braun, OSF, Kathleen    (Self in Solidarity With the Economic Migrant),  El Paso, TX
Tamper-Proof Identification
Dean, Sheila  Organizer  (5-11 Campaign Committee),  Austin, TX
Ponce, Oliver    (The 5-11 Committee),  Austin, TX
Ratcliff, James    (Self),  El Paso, TX
Seigler, William    (Self),  El Paso, TX
Brown, Judy  Chief of Driver License Division  (Texas Department of Public Safety),  Austin, TX
Emerick, Kelli A.  Executive Director  (Secure ID Coalition),  Washington, DC
McCraw, Steve  Director  (Governor's Office of Homeland Security),  Austin, TX
Morse, Ann  Program Director  (NCSL),  Washington, DC
Simpson, Matt  Policy Strategist  (ACLU of Texas),  Austin, TX
Transnational Gangs
Almonte, Robert  Executive Director  (Texas Narcotic Officers Association),  El Paso, TX
Byrd, Shane  Captain  (Texas Department of Public Safety),  Midland, TX
Campbell, Howard  Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D.  (Self),  El Paso, TX
Cuthbertson, David  Special Agent in Charge  (FBI, El Paso Division),  El Paso, TX
Gallardo, Rob  CI/PS, Director  (Operation No Gangs),  Santa Teresa, NM
McCraw, Steve  Director  (Governor's Office of Homeland Security),  Austin, TX
Riley, Jack  Special Agent in Charge  (DEA)
Registering, but not testifying:
Colley, Jack  Chief  (Governor's Division of Emergency Management),  Austin, TX