81S10214 JGH-D
  By: Smithee H.C.R. No. 5
         WHEREAS, TEXAS, the musical drama presented each summer in
  Palo Duro Canyon, is a beloved and time-honored entertainment
  tradition that is beginning its 44th season in 2009; and
         WHEREAS, Staged in the beautiful Pioneer Amphitheatre in a
  natural basin of Palo Duro Canyon, TEXAS depicts the struggles and
  triumphs of the settlers of the Panhandle region in the 1800s; the
  production's compelling narrative is combined with music, dance,
  humor, fireworks, and special effects to create a thrilling and
  engaging celebration of the area's past; and
         WHEREAS, More than three million people have seen TEXAS since
  the production was first staged, including Lady Bird Johnson and
  numerous Texas governors; it is recognized as one of the leading
  outdoor dramas in the nation and draws numerous visitors from
  across the Lone Star State and beyond; more than half of the people
  that attend each year travel 150 miles or more to see the show, and
  at least one international visitor has been present at each of the
  more than 2,700 performances that have been presented over the
  course of the past 43 years; and
         WHEREAS, The popularity of TEXAS has been of great benefit to
  the town of Canyon and the surrounding area; the show directly
  employs 125 people each summer, and it contributes a total of $35
  million in economic activity, according to a study by West Texas A&M
  University; and
         WHEREAS, Designated as one of the official plays of the State
  of Texas, this family-friendly extravaganza has captivated
  audiences for more than four decades, and it stands as an enduring
  tribute to the colorful history of the Lone Star State; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas,
  1st Called Session, hereby honor the musical drama TEXAS on the
  occasion of its 44th season and extend to all those involved with
  this outstanding production sincere best wishes for continued