81S10234 MMS-D
  By: Homer H.C.R. No. 7
         WHEREAS, Matthew Draeger, a student at Crockett Middle School
  in Paris, Texas, won the individual community problem solving
  championship, junior division, at the 2009 International
  Conference of Future Problem Solving Program International, Inc.;
         WHEREAS, An innovative program that seeks to stimulate
  critical and creative thinking skills and to encourage young people
  to develop and promote a positive vision for the future, FPSPI
  involves more than 250,000 students annually from Australia,
  Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia,
  Singapore, and the United States; the 35th International Conference
  was held at Michigan State University from May 28 through May 31,
  2009; and
         WHEREAS, Matthew, whose grandfather passed away three years
  ago, found at the time that there were no support groups in Paris
  for children grieving the death of a family member; for his FPSPI
  entry, he created Project HEAL (Helping Everybody Accept Life);
  this multifaceted program included the writing of a book, A Boy
  Named Sam, which was based on his own experiences, as well as the
  creation of a support group that meets monthly, the inauguration of
  a blog site, which allows students to share their feelings and to
  communicate with one another, and the compiling of approximately a
  dozen brochures, with titles such as "Summer Activities for
  Grieving Children," "Relaxation," "Holiday Help," and "Keep Stress
  Under Control"; and
         WHEREAS, The first FPSPI student from Texas to win an
  international title, Matthew now plans to expand his program to
  deal with other facets of life that cause children emotional pain,
  such as the divorce of their parents, or the incarceration of a
  father or mother; he also intends to prepare a new version of his
  book, an edition that will include perspectives on death that are
  rooted in the Christian tradition; and
         WHEREAS, In designing his project, Matthew was coached by
  Debb Fleming, the Socrates instructor for elementary school
  students in the Paris Independent School District; he instituted
  his support group with the help of Crockett principal Angela
  Chadwick and assistant principal/counselor Deborah Robbins, and he
  maintains his blog with the assistance of school administrators;
         WHEREAS, Matthew Draeger has channeled the sadness and anger
  he felt at the death of his grandfather into a program that will
  help many other students who are mourning a similar loss, and the
  compassion, creativity, and capacity for hard work that he has
  demonstrated so abundantly have marked him as a young man of
  exceptional promise; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 81st Legislature of the State of Texas,
  1st Called Session, hereby congratulate Matthew Draeger on winning
  the individual community problem solving championship at the 2009
  International Conference of Future Problem Solving Program
  International and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued
  success in all his endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Matthew Draeger as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.