Amend CSHB 3 as follows:                                                     

(1)  On page 23, line 3, between "agency" and "shall", insert 	"and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board".
	(2)  On page 23, line 8, between "agency" and "shall", insert 
", in collaboration with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating 
	(3)  On page 23, lines 16 and 17, strike ", in conjunction 
with the commissioner of higher education," and substitute "and the 
commissioner of higher education".
	(4)  On page 23, line 21, strike "To the extent practicable, 
the agency shall" and substitute "The agency, in collaboration with 
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, shall".
	(5)  On page 23, line 25, between "agency" and "shall", 
insert "and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board".
	(6)  On page 24, line 2, between "education" and "a", insert 
"and higher education".
	(7)  On page 24, line 10, between "agency" and "shall", 
insert ", in collaboration with the Texas Higher Education 
Coordinating Board,".
	(8)  On page 24, line 13, between "agency" and "shall", 
insert "and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board".
	(9)  On page 24, line 17, between "agency" and "shall", 
insert "and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board".
	(10)  On page 24, line 21, between "education" and "a", 
insert "and higher education".
	(11)  On page 24, line 25, strike "determines" and substitute 
"and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board determine".
	(12)  On page 24, line 27, between "agency" and "shall", 
insert "and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board".