Amend CSHB 3 as follows:
(1) On page 34, line 27, strike "[or]" and substitute "or".
(2) On page 35, line 5, strike "or" and substitute "[or]".
(3) On page 35, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following:
(C) as a result of significant gaps in formal
schooling, lacks the necessary foundation in the essential
knowledge and skills of the curriculum prescribed under Section
28.002, as determined by the language proficiency assessment
committee established under Section 29.063.
(4) On page 35, strike lines 8-11.
(5) On page 46, between lines 24 and 25, insert the
following new subsection, reletter the subsequent subsections of
Section 39.053, Education Code, accordingly, and correct any
cross-references to the relettered subsections:
(h) In calculating the academic performance of a campus or
school district, the commissioner may exclude assessment
instruments results for a student eligible under Section
39.027(a)(4)(C) for exemption from the administration of an
assessment instrument regardless of whether the student was tested.