Amend CSHB 3 (house committee printing) as follows:                          

(1)  On page 65, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following:
school district shall post on the district's Internet website the 
district's general ledger statement containing all asset, 
liability, capital, income, and expense accounts.
	(b)  The district shall:                                                
		(1)  post an updated general ledger statement at least 
once each calendar quarter; and
		(2)  maintain each general ledger quarterly statement 
until the third anniversary of the date of that statement.
	(c)  The general ledger must be prepared according to 
generally accepted accounting principles.
	Sec. 39.085.  POSTING OF ADOPTED BUDGET.  (a)  On final 
approval of the budget by the board of trustees, the school district 
shall post on the district's Internet website a copy of the budget 
adopted by the board of trustees.  The district's Internet website 
must prominently display the electronic link to the adopted budget.
	(b)  The district shall maintain the adopted budget on the 
district's Internet website until the third anniversary of the date 
the budget was adopted.
	(2)  On page 65, line 5, strike "39.084" and substitute 