Amend CSHB 3 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 11, line 19, strike "and (b-5)" and substitute "(b-5), and (b-6)".
(2) On page 12, line 10, between "agree" and "that", insert
"in writing signed by each party".
(3) On page 14, between lines 20 and 21, insert the
(b-6) For each campus in the district, a school district
shall provide the number of students, disaggregated by major
student subpopulations, agreeing under Subsection (b) to take
courses under the minimum high school program to the agency for the
development of:
(1) campus report cards under Section 39.305; and
(2) performance reports for the district under Section
(4) On page 107, line 24, strike "and" and substitute
(5) On page 108, line 1, strike the period and substitute ";
(6) On page 108, between lines 1 and 2, insert the
(5) the number of students taking courses under the
minimum high school program.
(7) On page 109, line 10, strike "and" and substitute
(8) On page 109, line 13, strike the period and substitute
"; and".
(9) On page 109, between lines 13 and 14, insert the
(8) the number of students taking courses under the
minimum high school program.