Amend CSHB 3 as follows:                                                     

(1)  On page 16, between lines 20 and 21, insert the 	following:              
	SECTION ____.  Section 29.182(b), Education Code, is amended 
to read as follows:
	(b)  The state plan must include procedures designed to 
ensure that:         
		(1)  all secondary and postsecondary students have the 
opportunity to participate in career and technology education 
		(2)  the state complies with requirements for 
supplemental federal career and technology education funding; and
		(3)  career and technology education is established as 
a part of the total education system of this state and constitutes 
an option for student learning that provides a rigorous course of 
study consistent with the required curriculum under Section 28.002 
and under which a student may receive specific education in a career 
and technology program that:
			(A)  incorporates competencies leading to 
academic and technical skill attainment;
			(B)  leads to:                                                        
				(i)  an industry-recognized license, 
credential, or certificate; or
				(ii)  at the postsecondary level, an 
associate or baccalaureate degree;
			(C)  includes opportunities for students to earn 
college credit for coursework; and
			(D)  includes, as an integral part of the program, 
participation by students and teachers in activities of career and 
technical student organizations supported by the agency and the 
State Board of Education.
	(2)  Appropriately number or renumber SECTIONS of the bill.