Amend CSHB 3 (house committee report) as follows:                            
	(1)  On page 15, line 8, strike "board" and substitute 
"committee established under this section".
	(2)  On page 15, line 21, strike "board" and substitute 
	(3)  On page 15, strike lines 22 through 26 and substitute:                    
	"(c)  The agency, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating 
Board, and the State Board of Education shall create a committee 
composed of representatives of those entities and industry 
representatives.  The committee shall evaluate each application and 
the associated materials that are submitted.  The committee shall 
approve or deny each application on or before the 180th day after 
the date the district submitted the application.
	(c-1)  A course developed for purposes of this section must:            
		(1)  cover the essential knowledge and skills 
identified under Section 28.002 for the subject for which the 
career and technical course is offered as an alternative;
		(2)  provide content that enables a student to develop 
the relevant and critical skills needed to be prepared for

employment or additional training in a high-demand occupation;         
		(3)  incorporate college and career readiness skills as 
part of the curriculum;
		(4)  satisfy a mathematics or science requirement under 
the minimum, recommended, or advanced high school program as

provided by Section 28.025; and                                        
		(5)  be taught by a teacher certified in the subject for 
which the career and technical course is offered as an alternative.
	(4)  On page 132, line 13, strike "and".                                
	(5)  On page 132, line 16, between "28.025" and the period 
insert the following:
	; and                                                                   
		(5)  be taught by a teacher certified in the subject for 
which the career and technical course is offered as an alternative.