Amend CSHB 3 (house committee printing) as follows: (1) On page 20, strike line 13 and substitute the following:SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS; STATE MASTER PLAN TO CLOSE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT GAPS IN PUBLIC EDUCATION (2) On page 20, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: Sec. 39.002. SELECT COMMITTEE ON CLOSING THE GAPS IN PUBLIC EDUCATION. (a) The select committee on closing the gaps in public education is established to: (1) advise the governor, the legislature, the commissioner of higher education, and the commissioner, and to inform the public, regarding progress toward achieving the educational objectives and goals of the state; and (2) serve as a public forum for the discussion of ideas regarding public education. (b) The committee is composed of 19 members appointed as follows: (1) the presiding officers of the standing committees of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over public education; (2) two members of the senate, appointed by the lieutenant governor; (3) two members of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; (4) the commissioner; (5) the commissioner of higher education; (6) one public school teacher, one primary school principal, one secondary school principal, one open-enrollment charter school representative, and one public school district superintendent, each currently employed in this state and each appointed jointly by the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives; (7) one representative of the Texas Workforce Commission, appointed by the governor; (8) one representative of the State Board of Education, appointed by the governor; (9) one representative from the business community who has at least one child who attends public school in this state, appointed by the governor; (10) one representative of the public who has at least one child who attends public school in this state, appointed by the governor; (11) one representative from the college of education at an institution of higher education, appointed by the governor; and (12) one student enrolled in a public school or open-enrollment charter school, appointed by the governor. (c) Appointed members of the committee serve two-year terms that expire August 31 of each odd-numbered year. An appointed member of the committee may be reappointed. (d) The governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives shall make the first appointments required by Subsection (b) in a timely fashion to permit the committee to comply with Section 39.003(a). This subsection expires January 1, 2010. Sec. 39.003. COMMITTEE MEETINGS. (a) Not later than October 1, 2009, the committee shall hold an organizational meeting. (b) The presiding officers described by Section 39.002(b)(1) serve as co-chairs of the committee. (c) Committee meetings shall be held at least quarterly at the written call of the co-chairs. Sec. 39.004. COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT. (a) A member of the committee is entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing committee duties. (b) A legislative member of the committee is entitled to reimbursement from the appropriate fund of the house of the legislature in which the member serves. (c) A member other than a legislative member is entitled to reimbursement from funds appropriated to the Texas Legislative Council for the committee's operations. Sec. 39.005. COMMITTEE STAFF. (a) The co-chairs of the committee may appoint a committee director and staff to support the work of the committee. (b) The director and staff members are employees of the Texas Legislative Council and shall be paid from funds appropriated to the council for the committee's operations. Sec. 39.006. MASTER PLAN FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION. (a) The committee shall develop, adopt, and periodically review and revise a master plan for public education. In adopting and revising the plan, the committee shall periodically conduct public hearings throughout the state and solicit testimony from public school students, parents of public school students, educators, employers, and other interested persons. (b) The plan adopted by the committee must identify specific short-term goals that will assist the state in meeting the objectives and goals for public education as described in Chapter 4. The plan must include: (1) methods to: (A) close achievement gaps between students in this state and students in other states; (B) reduce dropout rates; (C) increase completion rates; (D) define and measure readiness for college and employment; (E) strengthen partnerships between primary and secondary education and higher education; (F) implement revisions to the state public education accountability system; and (G) promote efficient and effective support structures for public schools; and (2) specific recommendations for passing standards for students, schools, and school districts that will ensure that the state will rank among the top 10 states by 2020 in terms of students' readiness for college. (c) Not later than January 1, 2011, and January 1 of each following year, the committee shall adopt and publish a report that describes the progress toward accomplishing the educational objectives and goals of the state. The report must include specific recommendations for: (1) passing standards on state achievement tests; (2) school accreditation for the next academic year; and (3) statutory changes as appropriate. (d) The committee may commission external analyses and reviews as appropriate to support the committee's work. (e) Nothing in this section may be construed to infringe on the responsibilities and duties of the governor, the legislature, the commissioner of higher education, or the commissioner as otherwise required by this code. (f) The agency, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the comptroller, the Legislative Budget Board, the Texas Workforce Commission, and any other state agency shall assist the committee, including by responding to requests for information and participating in discussions regarding the future of public education in this state.