Amend CSHB 300 (house committee printing) in ARTICLE 1 of the 
bill on page 19, between lines 3 and 4, by inserting the following 
SECTION, appropriately numbered:
	SECTION 1.____.  (a)  The terms of the members of the Texas 
Transportation Commission serving on the effective date of this Act 
expire September 1, 2009, and members shall be appointed in 
accordance with Section 201.051, Transportation Code, as amended by 
this Act, for terms to begin September 1, 2009.
	(b)  As soon as practicable after appointment, members 
appointed under Subsection (a) of this section shall draw lots to 
determine whose terms will expire February 1, 2011, whose terms 
will expire February 1, 2013, and whose terms will expire February 
1, 2015.