Amend CSHB 300 (House committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to ARTICLE 6 of the bill 
and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of that ARTICLE accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Subtitle H, Title 6, Transportation Code, is 
amended by adding Chapter 399 to read as follows:
Sec. 399.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Advisory committee" means the outdoor advertising advisory committee established by this chapter. (2) "Outdoor sign" includes the meaning assigned to "outdoor advertising" by Section 391.001 and the meaning assigned to "off-premise sign" by Section 394.001. Sec. 399.002. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The department shall establish an outdoor advertising advisory committee. The advisory committee shall provide advice, information, and recommendations to the commission regarding rules and regulations related to outdoor signs along highways and roads in this state. Sec. 399.003. APPOINTMENT. The membership of the advisory committee shall be as follows: (1) one member of the general public appointed by the governor; (2) one member of the general public appointed by the lieutenant governor; (3) one member of the general public appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; and (4) 11 members appointed by the commission as follows: (A) two representatives from organizations that promote the scenic values of this state; (B) two representatives from the outdoor sign industry; (C) one representative from an organization that serves the interests of counties in this state; (D) one representative from an organization that promotes landowner property rights in this state; (E) two representatives from organizations that promote travel, tourism, and hospitality industries in this state; (F) one representative from an organization that promotes businesses that use outdoor signs; and (G) two members of the general public. Sec. 399.004. CHAIR; TERMS. (a) The advisory committee shall elect one member to serve as chairperson. (b) A member of the advisory committee serves a two-year term that begins at the beginning of the state fiscal year in which the member is appointed. (c) A majority of the members of the advisory committee is a quorum for the transaction of business by the advisory committee. (d) An action by the advisory committee, including a formal recommendation to the commission, requires the approval of a majority of the quorum. Sec. 399.005. POWERS AND DUTIES. (a) No action by the advisory committee is intended to conflict with the federal Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (23 U.S.C. Sections 131, 136, and 319). (b) The advisory committee shall submit a biennial report to the house and senate committees with jurisdiction over transportation. The report shall include recommendations to the legislature for any necessary statutory changes and a summary of the recommendations the committee has made to the department during the preceding two years. The first report must be submitted not later than November 1, 2010. (c) The commission may adopt rules necessary for the operation of the advisory committee. Sec. 399.006. COMPENSATION. A member of an advisory committee may not be compensated by the commission or the department for service and is not entitled to reimbursement for any expense incurred in the performance of committee service. Sec. 399.007. OPEN RECORDS AND COOPERATION WITH STATE AGENCIES. (a) All written or other recorded information maintained by the advisory committee or advisory committee members regarding the business of the advisory committee is public information and is subject to Chapter 552, Government Code. (b) Meetings of the advisory committee are subject to Chapter 551, Government Code. (c) All agencies of this state shall assist the advisory committee in the performance of its duties. To the extent permitted by laws relating to confidentiality, an agency of this state shall furnish the advisory committee with any information or advice requested by a member of the advisory committee, if that member considers the information necessary to the performance of the duties of the advisory committee. (d) The department shall provide administrative staff and support required for operation of the advisory committee. Sec. 399.008. EXPIRATION OF CHAPTER. This chapter expires August 31, 2011.