Amend CSHB 300 (House committee printing), by striking page 57, line 13, through page 58, line 3, and substituting the following: Sec. 472.0315. POLICY BOARD MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING REQUIREMENTS; ELIGIBILITY FOR STATE ALLOCATION OF FUNDING. (a) The policy board of a metropolitan planning organization must consist of at least 5 and not more than 19 members, the exact number to be determined on an equitable geographic-population ratio based on the most recent census. (b) To be eligible to receive funds from this state for transportation projects under Section 201.668: (1) at least 75 percent of a metropolitan planning organization's policy board members must be elected officials who are elected in the boundaries of the metropolitan planning organization; and (2) only elected officials may be voting members of the organization's policy board. (c) A metropolitan planning organization that is not eligible under Subsection (b) may redesignate the board so as to become eligible to receive an allocation of funds under Section 201.668. (d) In this section, "elected official" means the presiding officer or a member of the governing body of a municipality, a county judge, a county commissioner, a state representative, or a state senator.