Amend CSHB 300 (House committee printing) as follows:                        

(1)  On page 8, at the end of line 1, add "and".
	(2)  Strike page 8, lines 3 through 9 and substitute "with 
primary jurisdiction over transportation matters."
	(3)  In ARTICLE 1 of the bill, strike SECTION 1.17 (page 12, 
line 7 through page 18, line 16) and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of 
that article accordingly.
	(4)  Strike page 38, lines 12 through 15.                                      
	(5)  Strike page 67, lines 11 through 20.                                      
	(6)  In ARTICLE 2 of the bill, strike SECTION 2A.02 (page 68, 
line 26 through page 69, line 3).
	(7)  In ARTICLE 8 of the bill, strike SECTION 8.4.02 (page 
175, lines 3 through 7).