Amend CSHB 300 (house committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTION to ARTICLE 4 of the bill 
and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of that article accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter E, Chapter 223, Transportation 
Code, is amended by adding Section 223.213 to read as follows:
PROVISIONS.  Notwithstanding Section 371.103(b), the department 
may not enter into a comprehensive development agreement for a toll 
project, including a managed lane, that contains a provision that 
limits or prohibits the construction, reconstruction, expansion, 
rehabilitation, operation, or maintenance of a nontolled highway by 
the department or a provision that requires the department to 
reimburse a private entity for the loss of toll revenue 
attributable to the construction of a nontolled highway.