Amend CSHB 339 by striking page 5, line 23, through page 6, 
line 3, and substituting the following:
	(a-1)  The department and the Texas Education Agency shall 
enter into a memorandum of understanding under which the department 
may access the agency's electronic enrollment records to verify a 
student's enrollment in a public school.  The memorandum of 
understanding must specify that the department may only access 
information necessary to verify the identity and enrollment status 
of a license renewal applicant and only if a parent or guardian of 
the applicant has provided written permission for the department to 
access that information.  Nothing in this subsection may be 
construed to allow the release of information in violation of the 
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 
Section 1232g).