Amend CSHB 365 (house committee printing) as follows:                        
	(1)  On page 1, line 6, strike "11" and substitute "13".         
	(2)  On page 1, lines 13 and 14, strike "Sections 11.102(b) 
and (c), Finance Code, are amended" and substitute "Section 11.102, 
Finance Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b) and (c) and 
adding Subsections (c-1) and (c-2)".
	(3)  On page 1, between lines 22 and 23, insert the 
	(c-1)  Two members of the finance commission must be 
individuals who, because of their background and expertise in areas 
related to consumer financial product safety, will assist the 
finance commission develop rules, guidelines, and materials 
involving stronger protections and better information in 
connection with consumer financial products offered or available in 
the state with the following objectives:
		(1)  to minimize unreasonable consumer risk associated 
with buying and using consumer financial products;
		(2)  to prevent and eliminate practices that lead 
consumers to incur unreasonable, inappropriate, or excessive debt, 
or make it difficult for consumers to repay existing debt, 
including practices or product features that may be abusive, 
fraudulent, unfair, or inconsistent with consumer protection;
		(3)  to promote practices that assist and encourage 
consumers to use credit and consumer financial products 
responsibly, to avoid excessive debt, and to avoid unnecessary or 
excessive charges derived from or associated with consumer 
financial products;
		(4)  to ensure that providers of consumer financial 
products provide credit based on the ability of a consumer to repay 
the debt incurred;
		(5)  to ensure that consumer credit history is 
maintained, reported, and used fairly and accurately;
		(6)  to maintain strong privacy protections for 
consumer transactions, credit history, and other personal 
information associated with the use of consumer financial products;
		(7)  to collect, investigate, resolve, and inform the 
public about consumer complaints regarding consumer financial 
		(8)  to ensure a fair resolution of consumer disputes 
regarding consumer financial products; and
		(9)  to take other reasonable steps to protect users of 
consumer financial products.
	(c-2)  No individual is eligible to serve as a member of the 
finance commission under Subsection (c-1)_ if the individual:
		(1)  is an employee of, holds any official relation to, 
or is married to a person engaged in selling or devising consumer 
financial products;
		(2)  owns stock or bonds of substantial value in a 
person described by Subdivision (1);
		(3)  is in any other manner pecuniarily interested in a 
person described by Subdivision (1); or
		(4)  engages in any other business, vocation, or 
employment that may create a conflict of interest with other 
members of the finance commission.
	(4)  On page 1, line 24, strike "two" and substitute "four".     
	(5)  On page 2, line 2, strike "one person" and substitute 
"two persons".
	(6)  On page 2, line 3, strike "one person" and substitute 
"two persons".