Amend CSHB 394 on page 1, by striking lines 12 through 18, and 
substituting the following:
	(k)  To encourage the creation, development, and location of 
small businesses in this state, the governor:
		(1)  shall consider making grants from the fund to 
recipients that are:
			(A)  small businesses in this state that commit to 
using the grants to create additional jobs; or
			(B)  small businesses from outside the state that 
commit to relocate to this state; and
		(2)  may only grant an award to a business other than a 
small business, if the grant recipient agrees not to pay additional 
compensation to an executive above the executive's base salary in 
an amount that exceeds 1 percent of the base salary until the 
recipient actually creates the jobs the recipient promised to 
create and maintains those jobs for at least a period of two years 
beginning on the date the jobs are created.