Amend HB 405 (house committee printing) as follows: (1) On page 1, line 9, strike ", as defined by Section 829.001" and substitute "who holds a certificate issued under Section 829.006". (2) On page 1, line 10, between "Code," and "who possesses", insert "and". (3) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly: SECTION ____. Section 829.003(a), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The department shall prescribe the standards and curriculum for basic and continuing education animal control courses. The curriculum for both the basic and continuing education courses must include the following topics: (1) state laws governing animal control and protection and animal cruelty; (2) animal health and disease recognition, control, and prevention; (3) the humane care and treatment of animals; (4) standards for care and control of animals in an animal shelter; (5) standards and procedures for the transportation of animals; (6) principles and procedures for capturing and handling stray domestic animals and wildlife, including principles and procedures to be followed with respect to an instrument used specifically for deterring the bite of an animal; (7) first aid for injured animals; (8) the documentation of animal cruelty evidence and courtroom procedures; (9) animal shelter operations and administration; (10) spaying and neutering, microchipping, and adoption; (11) communications and public relations; (12) state and federal laws for possession of controlled substances and other medications; and (13) any other topics pertinent to animal control and animal shelter personnel. SECTION ____. Section 829.003(a), Health and Safety Code, as amended by this Act, applies to the curriculum required for basic and continuing education animal control courses offered under Section 829.004, Health and Safety Code, on or after January 1, 2010.