Amend CSHB 562 by adding the following appropriately numbered 
SECTIONS and subsections to the bill:
	SECTION 1. Sections 152.071(a) and (b), Local Government 
Code, are amended to read as follows:
	(1) On page 1, add lines 14 through 29, page 2, lines 1 
through 6 and page 3, lines 4 through 10:
	(a) In a county with a population of more than 75,000, the 
county government shall classify all positions in its sheriff's 
department and shall specify the duties and job qualifications and 
prescribe the salary for each classification.  A person hired for a 
position that requires the person to be licensed by the state is not 
eligible to receive the prescribed salary for the position until 
the person fulfills the licensing requirement.  All peace officers 
within the sheriff's department shall be part of a single "sheriff's 
department peace officer" classification system.
	(a-1) Except for a person appointed by a sheriff under 
Chapter 158 Subchapter A or Subchapter B or a person appointed to a 
command level position exempt from overtime compensation under 
Section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act as defined by 
Regulations, 29 CFR 541; a person appointed as a deputy sheriff must 
be appointed to the entry level classification for peace officers 
within the sheriff's department.
	(a-2) All peace officers within a specific classification 
must meet the same eligibility requirements and be paid the same 
base salary.  In addition to the base salary each deputy sheriff is 
entitled to each of the following types of pay as authorized by the 
county commissioner's court:
		(1) longevity or seniority pay;                                        
		(2) educational incentive pay;                                         
		(3) assignment pay;                                                    
		(4) certification pay;                                                 
		(5) shift differential pay; and,                                       
		(6) fitness incentive pay.                                             
	(b) A member of the sheriff's department who meets the job 
qualifications and who is required to perform the duties of a 
particular classification is entitled to be paid the salary 
prescribed for that position during the time the member performs 
those duties, except that a member who performs the duties of a 
classification for which the member was not initially hired is not 
entitled to be paid the salary prescribed for performing those 
duties unless:
		(1) the member meets the qualifications for the 
		(2) the position within the peace officers 
classification system was vacant, and;
		(3) the commissioners court had previously authorized 
the position, or;
		(4) the payment is authorized by the commissioners 
court before the duties are performed.