Amend CSHB 626 (house committee printing) as follows:                        

(1)  On page 3, line 8, between "by" and "information", 	insert the following:

	(2)  On page 3, lines 9 through 23, strike the subdivision 
numbers and substitute the appropriate paragraph letters.
	(3)  On page 3, line 10, between "principal" and the 
semicolon, insert ", including a system to allow parents and 
teachers to communicate in a regular, two-way, and meaningful 
manner with each of the child's teachers and the school principal".
	(4)  On page 3, line 22, strike the second "and".                       
	(5)  On page 3, line 24, between "school" and the period, 
insert the following:

, including one-time opportunities and opportunities to volunteer 
from home;
			(K)  how to be involved in the decisions affecting 
course selection, career planning, and preparation for 
postsecondary opportunities;
			(L)  instructional programs available at the 
school campus;         
			(M)  extracurricular programs available at the 
school campus; and   
			(N)  activities planned through the school year to 
encourage parental involvement, including regularly scheduled open 
houses; and
		(2)  surveys to determine parent concerns about the 
school campus and to solicit parents' ideas for improving the 
school campus, including ways to foster a relationship between the 
parents, school, and local community