Amend HB 1232 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                        
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Subsection (b)(2)(B) 
(page 1, lines 37 and 38) and substitute the following:
			(B)  a consent form:                                                         
				(i)  by which parents may give or refuse 
consent to share information with a specific agency or provider 
that collaborates in the provision of treatment or service to a 
				(ii)  that informs a parent that the parent 
has the right to withhold consent and may withdraw consent at any 
time; and
				(iii)  that informs the parent of the type of 
information that an agency or provider may share if the parent 
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in Subsection (b)(2)(D) (page 
1, line 42), strike "and".
	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in Subsection (b)(2)(E) (page 
1, line 45) immediately following the semicolon, add the following:

			(F)  an information exchange process between each 
parent of a child participating in the pilot project and the 
agencies and providers involved in the project to assist the parent 
in remaining informed regarding the evaluations performed in 
relation to the child and any conclusions or recommended treatment 
options resulting from those evaluations or decisions that need to 
be made by the parent as a result of an evaluation;
	(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in Subsection (b)(3) (page 1, 
line 47), strike "and".
	(5)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in Subsection (b)(4) (page 1, 
line 51), between "provider" and the period, insert the following:

; and                                                                         
		(5)  ensure that parents, agencies, and providers 
participating in the pilot project are informed that a parent or 
child may not be penalized for refusing to consent to the 
information sharing or services under the pilot project
	(6)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Subsection (g) (page 2, 
line 28), and substitute the following:
	(g)  In implementing the pilot project, the Department of 
State Health Services shall ensure that a parent of a child involved 
in the project is provided with reasonable, standardized complaint 
procedures for making complaints regarding the pilot project or an 
agency or provider involved in the pilot project.
	(h)  The Department of State Health Services shall ensure 
that the pilot project:
		(1)  is operated without regard to the race, color, 
disability, sex, age, national origin, or religion of the 
individuals involved in the pilot project; and
		(2)  does not disproportionately target or negatively 
impact minorities.    
	(i)  This section does not authorize the implementation of 
school-based mental health screening.
	(j)  This Act expires September 1, 2011.