Amend CSHB 1243 (committee printing version) on page __, line 
__ insert the following new appropriately numbered sections and 
renumber subsequent sections accordingly:
	"SECTION __.  Section 161.002, Utilities Code, is amended by 
adding Subdivision (2-a) to read as follows:
		(2-a)  "Board meeting" means a deliberation between a 
quorum of the voting board, or between a quorum of the voting board 
and another person, during which electric cooperative business or 
policy over which the board has responsibility is discussed or 
considered, or during which the board takes formal action.  The term 
does not include the gathering of a quorum of the board at a social 
function unrelated to the business of the cooperative, or the 
attendance by a quorum of the board at a regional, state, or 
national convention or workshop, ceremonial event, or press 
conference, if formal action is not taken and any discussion of 
cooperative business is incidental to the social function, 
convention, workshop, ceremonial event, or press conference.
	SECTION __.  Subchapter A, Chapter 161, Utilities Code, is 
amended by adding Section 161.006 to read as follows:
	Sec. 161.006.  NONAPPLICABILITY.  The following sections of 
this chapter do not apply to an electric cooperative that engages 
exclusively or primarily in the wholesale sale or transmission of 
electricity and does not have a certificated service area for the 
retail sale of electricity or to an electric cooperative whose 
service territory consists of eighteen counties in Texas and two 
counties in New Mexico and has fewer than 5,500 members:
		(1)  Sections 161.072(d) through (m);                                  
		(2)  Sections 161.075(a), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), 
(j), and (k);
		(3)  Section 161.0751;                                                 
		(4)  Section 161.077(d);                                               
		(5)  Section 161.080;                                                  
		(6)  Section 161.081;                                                  
		(7)  Section 161.082;                                                  
		(8)  Section 161.126; and                                              
		(9)  Section 161.127.                                                  
	SECTION __.  Subsection (b), Section 161.064, Utilities 
Code, is amended to read as follows:
	(b)  The bylaws may contain any provision for the regulation 
and management of the affairs of the electric cooperative that is 
consistent with the articles of incorporation and this chapter.
	SECTION __.  Section 161.072, Utilities Code, is amended by 
adding Subsections (c) through (m) to read as follows:
	(c)  Director elections shall be conducted in a manner that 
is fair and open to all members of the electric cooperative.
	(d)  A board committee of a cooperative with more than 
170,000 members may not cast a member's proxy vote in a director 
	(e)  A director who is standing for reelection to the board 
of a cooperative with not more than 170,000 members may not serve on 
a committee established under the bylaws for the purpose of 
casting, or being authorized to cast, the proxy vote of a member in 
a director election.
	(f)  A member's proxy vote may be cast by a committee 
established under the bylaws in a director election only if:
		(1)  a proxy form is sent by regular mail to each member 
of record not later than the 30th day before the date of the meeting 
at which proxy votes are counted;
		(2)  the proxy form designates each candidate who is an 
incumbent director;
		(3)  an exact copy of the proxy form is posted on the 
cooperative's Internet website, if the cooperative maintains a 
		(4)  the proxy form includes information describing the 
process by which proxy votes are authorized and cast, including:
			(A)  the name of each member of the committee, if 
any, established under the bylaws for the purpose of casting proxy 
votes in a director election;
			(B)  the process prescribed in the bylaws for 
selecting members to serve on the committee; and
			(C)  the districts represented by each committee 
member, if applicable; and
		(5)  the proxy form contains the following statements, 
in bold type: 
			(A)  "If you grant the committee your proxy, you 
are giving the committee full authority to vote your proxy for the 
candidates you selected, or, if you did not select any candidates, 
to vote your proxy for candidates the committee selects";
			(B)  "You may rescind your proxy at any time 
before votes are cast at the meeting to elect directors"; and
			(C)  "State law prohibits any person from using 
incentives or other enticements to encourage you to provide your 
proxy in any board election."
	(g)  Subsections (d) and (f) may not be construed as limiting 
the right of an individual member to collect or cast the proxy votes 
of another member in a director election, if allowed by the bylaws.
	(h)  This section may not be construed as limiting the use of 
a proxy as provided by Section 161.069 to establish a quorum to 
transact business other than the election of a director.
	(i)  A person may not use an incentive or other enticement to 
encourage a member to authorize another person to cast the member's 
proxy vote in a director election.
	(j)  A cooperative with more than 170,000 members may elect 
directors only by district.  A member may vote for a director to 
represent a district only if the member resides in that district.
	(k)  A cooperative with more than 170,000 members may 
nominate qualified members as candidates in a director election 
only through a written petition by members.  The bylaws must:
		(1)  specify the number of printed names and dated 
signatures a petition nominating a candidate must contain;
		(2)  specify a period within which a petition 
nominating a candidate must be submitted to the cooperative; and
		(3)  specify that only members residing in a district 
may sign a petition for the nomination of a candidate to represent 
that district.
	(l)  If the bylaws of a cooperative with not more than 
170,000 members allow a committee of members to nominate qualified 
members as candidates in a director election, the bylaws must also:
		(1)  allow nominations to be made through one or more 
written petitions by members;
		(2)  specify the number of printed names and dated 
signatures a petition nominating a candidate must contain; and
		(3)  specify a period within which a petition 
nominating a candidate must be submitted to the cooperative.
	(m)  A petition submitted under Subsection (l) must provide 
on the petition the name and address of the member seeking 
nomination and, if the cooperative nominates or elects directors by 
district, the district the member seeks to represent.
	SECTION __.  Section 161.075, Utilities Code, is amended to 
read as follows: 
	Sec. 161.075.  BOARD MEETINGS.  (a)  The board shall hold a 
regular or special board meeting at the place and time specified in
[on] the notice required by Section 161.0751 and [prescribed by] 
the bylaws.
	(b)  The attendance of a director at a board meeting 
constitutes a waiver of notice to the director of the meeting unless 
the director attends the meeting for the express purpose of 
objecting to the transaction of business at the meeting because the 
meeting is not lawfully called or convened.
	(c)  A notice or waiver of notice of a board meeting given to 
a director is not required to specify the business to be transacted 
at the meeting or the purpose of the meeting.
	(d)  Except as provided by this section, each member of the 
electric cooperative is entitled to attend a regular or special 
board meeting.  A person who is not a member of the cooperative is 
not entitled to attend a regular or special board meeting.
	(e)  At the board's discretion, the board may convene an 
executive session to which the members do not have access to 
deliberate and take action on sensitive matters, such as matters 
involving confidential personnel information, contracts, lawsuits, 
real estate transactions, competitively sensitive information, 
information related to the security of the electrical system or the 
cooperative, or other privileged, confidential, or proprietary 
	(f)  The board shall reconvene the open session of the 
regular or special board meeting to announce the final action taken 
on a matter discussed in executive session, except matters 
involving confidential personnel information, real estate 
transactions, competitively sensitive information, or security 
	(g)  The board secretary or person designated by the 
secretary shall make and keep written minutes of each regular or 
special board meeting.
	(h)  The board shall adopt and comply with procedures for 
providing a member with access to the entirety of a regular or 
special board meeting, other than an executive session.
	(i)  The board secretary or person designated by the 
secretary shall make and keep a written or audio record of each 
executive session.  The secretary shall preserve the record for at 
least two years after the session.  The record must include:
		(1)  a statement of the subject matter of each 
		(2)  a record of any further action taken; and                         
		(3)  an announcement by the presiding director at the 
beginning and end of the session indicating the date and time.
	(j)  Subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) apply to an 
electric cooperative with more than 170,000 members.
	(k)  Each electric cooperative with not more than 170,000 
members shall hold an election every five years at the electric 
cooperative's annual meeting on the question of whether to make 
Subsections (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i) applicable to the 
electric cooperative.
	SECTION __.  Subchapter B, Chapter 161, Utilities Code, is 
amended by adding Section 161.0751 to read as follows:
	Sec. 161.0751.  NOTICE OF BOARD MEETINGS.  (a)  The board 
shall give members notice of the date, hour, place, and planned 
agenda of a regular or special board meeting.  Notice of a board 
meeting must be given at least three days before the scheduled time 
of the meeting by:
		(1)  posting a notice on a bulletin board in a place 
convenient to members at the electric cooperative's main office and 
at each district office;
		(2)  posting a notice on the cooperative's Internet 
website, if the cooperative maintains a website; and
		(3)  providing a copy of the notice to a member on a 
request by the member.
	(b)  In the event of an emergency or urgent matter, notice 
may be given in the manner prescribed by Subsection (a) at any time 
before a regular or special board meeting is convened.  An action 
taken by the board at a meeting for which notice is given under this 
subsection must be ratified by the board at the next meeting for 
which notice is given under Subsection (a)
	(c)  On approval of the Legislative Audit Committee, the 
state auditor at the cooperative's expense may audit the financial 
transactions and operations of an electric cooperative with more 
than 170,000 members if:
		(1)  a former or current member of the cooperative's 
board of directors or senior management is the subject of an ongoing 
criminal investigation by the office of the attorney general on May 
1, 2009; and
		(2)  the cooperative has been the subject of a 
court-ordered independent investigation:
			(A)  performed by an independent consulting 
entity; and             
			(B)  reviewed by the state auditor.                                   
	(d)  This subsection and Subsection (c) expire September 1, 
	SECTION __.  Section 161.077, Utilities Code, is amended by 
adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
	(d)  The provisions of this chapter that apply to the board 
also apply to the executive committee.
	SECTION __.  Subchapter B, Chapter 161, Utilities Code, is 
amended by adding Sections 161.080, 161.081, and 161.082 to read as 
	Sec. 161.080.  MEMBER'S RIGHT OF ACCESS TO RECORDS.  (a)  (a) 
Except as provided by Subsection (c), a member of an electric 
cooperative may, at any reasonable time and on written request that 
states a proper purpose for the request, inspect and copy the books 
and records of the cooperative relevant to that purpose.
	(b)  An electric cooperative may charge a member for the cost 
of providing information under Subsection (a).
	(c)  An electric cooperative may limit or deny a member's 
request to inspect its books and records if the member:
		(1)  does not meet the requirements of Subsection (a);                 
		(2)  seeks information the release of which would 
unduly infringe on or invade the privacy of a person;
		(3)  seeks information related to a trade secret;                      
		(4)  seeks personnel information the disclosure of 
which would violate the law or constitute a clearly unwarranted 
invasion of personal privacy;
		(5)  seeks information related to:                                     
			(A)  pending or reasonably anticipated 
			(B)  a real estate transaction for a project that 
has not been formally announced or for which contracts have not been 
formally awarded;
			(C)  the cooperative's competitive activity, 
including commercial information and utility-related matters that 
would, if disclosed, give an advantage to a competitor or 
prospective competitor; or
			(D)  the security of the cooperative's electrical 
system; or        
		(6)  seeks information that is confidential, 
privileged, or proprietary.
	Sec. 161.081.  POLICIES AND AUDIT.  (a)  The board shall 
adopt written policies relating to:
		(1)  travel expenditures for board members, officers, 
and employees; 
		(2)  reimbursement of expenses for board members, 
officers, and employees;
		(3)  conflicts of interest for board members, officers, 
and employees;
		(4)  whistleblower protections;                                        
		(5)  criteria and procedures for the selection, 
monitoring, review, and evaluation of outside vendors or contracted 
professional services;
		(6)  budgets for use in planning and controlling costs; 
		(7)  the creation of a committee that audits the 
actions of the board.
	(b)  An electric cooperative shall provide for an 
independent financial audit, to be performed annually by an 
unaffiliated entity that is professionally qualified to perform 
such an audit.
	Sec. 161.082.  COMPLAINTS BY MEMBERS.  (a)  A member may file 
a written complaint with the general manager of the electric 
cooperative if the member is aggrieved by an action of the board or 
by an employee of the board or of the cooperative that the member 
alleges infringes on a right of the member under Sections 161.072, 
161.075, 161.0751, 161.080, 161.081, and 161.126.
	(b)  Not later than the 20th day after the date the general 
manager receives a complaint under Subsection (a), the general 
manager shall take corrective action regarding the complaint, if 
the general manager determines that the action complained of 
infringed on the member's rights under Sections 161.072, 161.075, 
161.0751, 161.080, 161.081, and 161.126.
	(c)  If the general manager determines that the action 
complained of did not infringe on the member's rights under 
Sections 161.072, 161.075, 161.0751, 161.080, 161.081, or 161.126, 
or if the general manager otherwise fails to resolve the member's 
complaint to the member's satisfaction before the 21st day after 
the general manager receives the member's complaint, the member may 
file a written complaint with the attorney general's consumer 
protection division.  A complaint filed with the attorney general 
under this subsection must:
		(1)  identify the electric cooperative by name and 
		(2)  describe in detail the nature of the member's 
complaint; and    
		(3)  include copies of documents relevant to the 
member's complaint, including:
			(A)  any relevant written request made by the 
member to the cooperative;
			(B)  the written complaint made by the member to 
the general manager under Subsection (a); and
			(C)  any relevant response from the cooperative 
regarding a request or complaint.
	(d)  In reviewing a member's complaint under this section, 
the consumer protection division may request that the cooperative 
provide to the division any information relevant to the complaint.  
The division must give a cooperative a reasonable opportunity to 
inspect and copy the requested information before providing the 
information to the division.  The division shall designate an 
employee of the division to be the person responsible for 
receiving, inspecting, or copying information received under this 
	(e)  An electric cooperative shall cooperate with a request 
for information under Subsection (d) and promptly provide the 
requested information to the consumer protection division's 
designated employee.  The division may not disclose to any person 
information provided by a cooperative in response to the request 
		(1)  the division is required by a court to provide the 
information to the person;
		(2)  the person is an authorized employee of the 
division; or        
		(3)  the cooperative that provided the information 
consents to the disclosure.
	(f)  The consumer protection division shall return to a 
cooperative any information provided under this section that is 
confidential or sensitive to the cooperative.
	SECTION __.  Subchapter C, Chapter 161, Utilities Code, is 
amended by adding Sections 161.126 and 161.127 to read as follows:
with more than 170,000 members that provides retail electric 
service may not acquire equipment capable of generating electricity 
for sale other than equipment that uses an alternative energy 
resource unless the Public Utility Commission of Texas first 
approves of the acquisition.  The commission by rule shall 
establish the standards and procedures by which it will approve an 
electric cooperative's acquisition of electric generation 
later than the 30th day following the completion of a transaction 
that results in an electric cooperative or an affiliate of the 
cooperative creating or acquiring an interest in an entity that 
does not generate, transmit, or distribute electricity, the 
cooperative shall provide a notice to members that contains:
		(1)  the name of the entity;                                           
		(2)  a description of the entity;                                      
		(3)  the reasons for the decision to enter into the 
		(4)  a description of the costs associated with the 
transaction, and the method of financing for those costs; and
		(5)  a description of the anticipated effect the 
transaction will have on the cooperative's electric energy rates or 
	SECTION __.  (a)  The changes in law made by Section 161.072, 
Utilities Code, as amended by this Act, apply only to a director 
election held on or after the effective date of this Act.  A 
director election held before the effective date of this Act is 
subject to the law in effect on the date the election is held, and 
that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
	(b)  The changes in law made by Section 161.075, Utilities 
Code, as amended by this Act, and by Section 161.0751, Utilities 
Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a meeting convened on or 
after the effective date of this Act.  A meeting convened before the 
effective date of this Act is subject to the law in effect on the 
date the meeting is held, and that law is continued in effect for 
that purpose.
	(c)  The changes in law made by Sections 161.080 and 161.082, 
Utilities Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a request to 
inspect records submitted on or after the effective date of this 
Act.  A request submitted before the effective date of this Act is 
subject to the law in effect on the date of the request, and that law 
is continued in effect for that purpose.
	(d)  The changes in law made by Section 161.127, Utilities 
Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a transaction that is 
completed on or after the effective date of this Act.  A transaction 
that is completed before the effective date of this Act is subject 
to the law in effect on the date the transaction is completed, and 
that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
	SECTION __.  Not later than December 31, 2010, each electric 
cooperative with not more than 170,000 members shall hold an 
election as required by Section 161.075(k), as added by this Act."