Amend CSHB 1357 as follows:                                                  
	(1)  Amend Section 254.051 by adding a new subsection (f):                     
	(f)  A facility that is not in continuous operation 24 hours 
per day and 7 days per week cannot be issued a license with a term 
that extends beyond August 31, 2013.
	(2)  Amend Section 254.053 by inserting a new subsection (c) 
and renumbering subsequent sections accordingly:
	(c)  The application must contain evidence that there is at 
least one physician and one nurse on the staff of the facility who 
is licensed by the appropriate state licensing board.
	(3)  Amend 254.151 by inserting a new subsection (a)(12) and 
renumbering subsequent sections accordingly and adding a new 
subsection (c):
	(a)(12)  transfer protocols for patients requiring advanced 
medical care at a hospital;
	(c)  The minimum standards under this section shall apply to 
facilities operating 24 hours a day and 7 days per week and 
facilities operating less than 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.
	(4)  Strike SECTION 6(d) of the bill.