Amend HB 1487, House Committee Report, as follows:                           
	Page 1, line 16, STRIKE Subsection (b) and substitute the 
following Subsection (b) to read as follows:
	(b)  To the extent practicable, and in conformity with 
Chapter 157, Occupations Code, and Chapter 483, Health and Safety 
Code, after conducting a review under Subsection (a) the commission 
shall modify only forms, rules, and procedures applicable to orders 
for diabetic equipment and supplies under the Medicaid program to 
provide for an ordering system that is comparable to the ordering 
system for diabetic equipment and supplies under the Medicare 
program.  The ordering system must permit a diabetic equipment or 
supplies supplier to complete the forms by hand or to enter by 
electronic format medical information or supply orders into any 
form as necessary to provide the information required to dispense 
diabetic equipment or supplies.