Amend CSHB 1669 (house committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  On page 3, line 4, strike "Section 13.246(h), Water 
Code, is" and substitute "Sections 13.246(a) and (h), Water Code, 
	(2)  On page 3, between lines 5 and 6, insert:                                 
	(a)  If an application for a certificate of public 
convenience and necessity or for an amendment to a certificate is 
filed, the commission shall cause notice of the application to be 
given to affected parties and to each county and groundwater 
conservation district that is wholly or partly included in the area 
proposed to be certified.  If [, if] requested, the commission shall 
fix a time and place for a hearing and give notice of the 
hearing.  Any person affected by the application may intervene at 
the hearing.