Amend CSHB 1789 (Senate committee report) in SECTION 1 of the 
bill as follows:
	(1)  In amended Section 351.101(a)(7)(B)(iv), Tax Code (page 
2, line 5), following the semicolon, strike "or".
	(2)  In amended Section 351.101(a)(7)(B)(v), Tax Code (page 
2, line 8), following the semicolon, strike "and" and substitute 
	(3)  At the end of amended Section 351.101(a)(7)(B), Tax Code 
(page 2, between lines 8 and 9), insert the following:
				(vi)  is located in a county that:                                   
					(a)  is adjacent to the Texas-Mexico 
					(b)  has a population of at least 
500,000; and                    
					(c)  does not have a municipality with 
a population greater than 500,000; and