Amend HB 1796 (Senate committee printing) by adding the 
following appropriately numbered SECTIONS to the bill and 
renumbered subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
	SECTION ____.  Section 86.185, Natural Resources Code, is 
amended to read as follows:
AGAINST] GAS IN AIR:  GAS WELLS IN GENERAL.  (a)  This section does 
not apply to a gas well to which Section 86.186 applies.
	(b)  No gas from a gas well may be permitted to escape into 
the air after the expiration of 10 days from the time the gas is 
encountered in the gas well, or from the time of perforating the 
casing opposite a gas-bearing zone if casing is set through the 
zone, whichever is later, but the commission may permit the escape 
of gas into the air for an additional time if the operator of a well 
or other facility presents information to show the necessity for 
the escape; provided that the amount of gas which is flared under 
that authority is charged to the operator's allowable production.  
A necessity includes but is not limited to the following 
		(1)  cleaning a well of sand or acid or both following 
stimulation treatment of a well; and
		(2)  repairing or modifying a gas-gathering system.                           
	SECTION ____.  Subchapter F, Chapter 86, Natural Resources 
Code, is amended by adding Section 86.186 to read as follows:
WELLS IN CERTAIN POPULOUS COUNTIES.  (a)  This section applies only 
to a gas well located in a county that:
		(1)  has a population of more than 1.4 million; and                    
		(2)  is located wholly or partly above a 
hydrocarbon-producing geological formation in which during 2008 
the commission issued more than 1,000 drilling permits authorizing 
wells to be completed.
	(b)  After fracturing or refracturing a gas well that the 
operator anticipates completing or recompleting, the operator 
shall employ appropriate processes to minimize the release into the 
air of gas and associated vapors from the well.
	(c)  The operator of a gas well shall:                                  
		(1)  deliver all salable gas to a sales line as soon as 
the pressure of the gas at the wellhead is sufficient to permit the 
gas to flow into the line; or
		(2)  shut in the well and conserve the gas.                            
	(d)  The operator of a gas well that has access to a sales 
line shall employ means or methods that minimize the release into 
the air of gas and associated vapors from the well when gas from the 
well is permitted to flow during the completion or recompletion of 
the well, except that the commission may authorize the release if 
the operator of the well or of another facility presents 
information to the commission showing the necessity for the 
release.  The amount of gas flared or vented under the commission's 
authority shall be charged to the operator's allowable production.  
A necessity includes the following situations:
		(1)  to avoid endangering the safety of persons 
performing work on the well or of the public;
		(2)  to comply with an oil or gas lease entered into 
before September 1, 2009;
		(3)  to repair or modify a gas-gathering system;                       
		(4)  the composition of the gas does not meet the 
minimum quality standards of the gatherer of the gas;
		(5)  the pressure of the gas at the wellhead is 
insufficient to permit the gas to flow into the sales line or 
another circumstance occurs that is beyond the control of the 
operator of the well; or
		(6)  other circumstances or conditions determined by 
the commission to be relevant to the goal of preventing waste or 
protecting the public interest.
	(e)  The commission shall adopt rules to implement this 
section.  Rules adopted under this subsection:
		(1)  must require an operator to provide a statement on 
a form prescribed by the commission evidencing compliance with this 
		(2)  must prescribe a procedure for obtaining 
commission authorization of the release into the air of gas and 
associated vapors from a gas well; and
		(3)  may limit the period for which gas and associated 
vapors from a gas well may be released into the air with commission 
	(f)  The municipality in which a gas well is located may 
monitor the operator's compliance with this section.  A 
municipality may adopt an ordinance to implement this subsection.
	SECTION ____.  Subsection (a), Section 86.012, Natural 
Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
	(a)  The term "waste" includes:                                                
		(1)  the operation of an oil well or wells with an 
inefficient gas-oil ratio;
		(2)  the drowning with water of a stratum or part of a 
stratum capable of producing gas in paying quantities;
		(3)  permitting a gas well to burn wastefully;                                
		(4)  the creation of unnecessary fire hazards;                                
		(5)  physical waste or loss incident to or resulting 
from so drilling, equipping, or operating a well or wells as to 
reduce or tend to reduce the ultimate recovery of gas from any pool;
		(6)  the escape of gas from a well producing both oil 
and gas into the open air in excess of the amount that is necessary 
in the efficient drilling or operation of the well;
		(7)  the production of gas in excess of transportation 
or market facilities or reasonable market demand for the type of gas 
		(8)  the use of gas for the manufacture of carbon black 
without first having extracted the natural gasoline content from 
the gas, except it shall not be necessary to first extract the 
natural gasoline content from the gas where it is utilized in a 
plant producing an average recovery of not less than five pounds of 
carbon black to each 1,000 cubic feet of gas;
		(9)  the use of sweet gas produced from a gas well for 
the manufacture of carbon black unless it is used in a plant 
producing an average recovery of not less than five pounds of carbon 
black to each 1,000 cubic feet and unless the sweet gas is produced 
from a well located in a common reservoir producing both sweet and 
sour gas;
		(10)  permitting gas produced from a gas well to escape 
into the air before or after the gas has been processed for its 
gasoline content, unless authorized as provided in Section 86.185 
or 86.186 [of this code];
		(11)  the production of natural gas from a well 
producing oil from a stratum other than that in which the oil is 
found unless the gas is produced in a separate string of casing from 
that in which the oil is produced;
		(12)  the production of more than 100,000 cubic feet of 
gas to each barrel of crude petroleum oil unless the gas is put to 
one or more of the uses authorized for the type of gas so produced 
under allocations made by the commission or unless authorized as 
provided in Section 86.185 or 86.186 [of this code]; and
		(13)  underground waste or loss however caused and 
whether or not defined in other subdivisions of this section.
	SECTION ____.  This Act takes effect immediately if it 
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each 
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate 
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.