Amend CSHB 1810 (House committee printing) as follows:                       
	(1)  In Section 2 of the bill, in amended section 222.106(i), 
Transportation Code (page 3, line 7), after the word "designated" 
and before the period insert ", as well as aesthetic improvements 
within the zone"
	(2)  In Section 4 of the bill, in proposed subsection 
222.107(h-1), Transportation Code (page 7, line 24), after "zone" 
and before "and" insert ", including aesthetic improvements,"
	(3)  In Section 5 of the bill, in proposed subsection 
222.108(a), Transportation Code (page 10, line 1), after the word 
"county" and before the period insert "provided that the commission 
or department may take any action that in its reasonable judgment is 
necessary to comply with any federal requirement to enable this 
state to receive federal-aid highway funds"