Amend HB 1914 on third reading on page 7 of the bill by
striking lines 5-13 and substituting the following:
(b) The [To construct more facilities and increase the
number of participants, the] private sector prison industry
[expansion] account is created as an account in the general revenue
fund. Money in the account may be appropriated only to:
(1) [construct work facilities,] recruit corporations
to participate as private sector industries programs;
(2) [, and] pay costs of the board [authority] and
department in implementing this subchapter, including the cost to
the department in reimbursing board [authority] members [and the
employer liaison] for expenses; and
(3) pay costs associated with the storage of evidence:
(A) containing biological material and used in
the prosecution and conviction of an offense; or
(B) of a sexual assault or other sex offense.