Amend CSHB 1935 (house committee printing) by striking everything below the enacting clause and substituting the following: SECTION 1. Chapter 403, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter O to read as follows:SUBCHAPTER O. JOBS AND EDUCATION FOR TEXANS (JET) GRANT PROGRAM Sec. 403.351. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Nonprofit organization" means an organization exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(a), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as an organization described by Section 501(c)(3) of that code. (2) "Public junior college," "public state college," and "public technical institute" have the meanings assigned by Section 61.003, Education Code. Sec. 403.352. JOBS AND EDUCATION FOR TEXANS (JET) FUND. (a) The comptroller shall establish and administer the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) fund as a dedicated account in the general revenue fund. (b) The following amounts shall be deposited in the fund: (1) any amounts appropriated by the legislature for the fund for purposes of this subchapter; (2) interest earned on the investment of money in the fund; and (3) gifts, grants, and other donations received for the fund. Sec. 403.353. ADVISORY BOARD. (a) An advisory board of education and workforce stakeholders is created to assist the comptroller in administering this subchapter. (b) The advisory board is composed of seven members who serve two-year terms and are appointed as follows: (1) one member appointed by the governor; (2) one member appointed by the lieutenant governor; (3) one member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; (4) one member appointed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; (5) one member appointed by the Texas Workforce Commission; (6) one member of the public appointed by the comptroller; and (7) the comptroller, who serves as the presiding officer. (c) The advisory board shall meet at least once each quarter to review received applications and recommend awarding grants under this subchapter. Sec. 403.354. JOBS AND EDUCATION FOR TEXANS (JET) GRANT PROGRAM. The comptroller shall establish and administer the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant program to provide grants to public junior colleges, public technical institutes, and eligible nonprofit organizations that apply to the advisory board in the manner prescribed by the advisory board. The comptroller shall award the grants on the advice and recommendations of the advisory board. Grants may be awarded under this subchapter from the JET fund for the following purposes: (1) to develop, support, or expand programs of nonprofit organizations that meet the requirements of Section 403.355 and that prepare low-income students for careers in high-demand occupations; (2) to defray the startup costs associated with the development of new career and technical education programs at public junior colleges and public technical institutes that meet the requirements of Section 403.356; and (3) to provide scholarships for students in career and technical education programs who meet the requirements of Section 403.357. Sec. 403.355. GRANTS TO NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS FOR INNOVATIVE AND SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMS. (a) The comptroller may award a grant to a nonprofit organization eligible under Subsection (b) for the development, support, or expansion of programs to prepare low-income students for careers in high-demand occupations. (b) To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, a nonprofit organization must: (1) provide a program to offer assistance to low-income students in preparing for, applying to, and enrolling in a public junior college or public technical institute; (2) be governed by a board or other governing structure that includes recognized leaders of broad-based community organizations and members of the local business community; (3) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the advisory board that the organization's program has achieved or will achieve the following measures of success among program participants, to the extent applicable to the type of program the organization provides: (A) above average completion of developmental education among participating public junior college or public technical institute students; (B) above average persistence rates among participating public junior college or public technical institute students; (C) above average certificate or degree completion rates by participating students within a three-year period compared to demographically comparable public junior college and public technical institute students; and (D) employment of participating students at an average full-time starting wage that is equal to or greater than the prevailing wage for the occupation entered; and (4) provide matching funds in accordance with rules adopted under Section 403.358. (c) The matching funds required under Subsection (b)(4) may be obtained from any source available to the nonprofit organization, including in-kind contributions, community or foundation grants, individual contributions, and local governmental agency operating funds. (d) Grants awarded under this section must be awarded in a manner that takes a balanced geographical distribution into consideration. Sec. 403.356. GRANTS TO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS. (a) The comptroller may award a grant for the development of new career and technical education courses or programs at public junior colleges and public technical institutes. (b) A grant received under this section may be used only: (1) to support courses or programs that prepare students for career employment in occupations that are identified by local businesses as being in high demand; (2) to finance initial costs of career and technical education course or program development, including the costs of constructing or renovating facilities, purchasing equipment, and other expenses associated with the development of a new course; and (3) to finance a career and technical education course or program that leads to a license, certificate, or postsecondary degree. (c) In awarding a grant under this section, the comptroller shall primarily consider the potential economic returns to the state from the development of the career and technical education course or program. The comptroller may also consider whether the course or program: (1) is part of a new, emerging industry or high-demand occupation; (2) offers new or expanded dual credit career and technical educational opportunities in public high schools; or (3) is provided in cooperation with other public junior colleges or public technical institutes across existing service areas. (d) To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, a public junior college or public technical institute must provide matching funds in accordance with rules adopted under Section 403.358. The matching funds may be obtained from any source available to the college, including in-kind contributions, industry consortia, community or foundation grants, individual contributions, and local governmental agency operating funds. Sec. 403.357. SCHOLARSHIPS. (a) The comptroller may award a scholarship to a public junior college or public technical institute student. (b) To be eligible to receive a scholarship under this section, a student must: (1) demonstrate financial need; and (2) be enrolled in a training program for a high-demand occupation, as determined by the comptroller on the recommendation of the advisory board. Sec. 403.358. RULES. The comptroller shall adopt rules as necessary for the administration of this subchapter. Sec. 403.359. STUDY. (a) The comptroller shall conduct a study of the feasibility of: (1) basing a portion of all public postsecondary technical training program funding on the economic benefit of the program to the state; and (2) for purposes of Subdivision (1), estimating the amount of any additional tax revenue generated by employers that results from the ability of public junior colleges, public state colleges, or public technical institutes to prepare students for employment fields for which there is employer demand. (b) The comptroller shall begin the study not later than January 1, 2010. Not later than January 1, 2011, the comptroller shall make recommendations to the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives for legislative action based on the results of the study. (c) This section expires September 1, 2011. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.