Amend HB 2030 (Senate committee printing) as follows: (1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in the recital (page 1, line 12), strike "and 531.0693" and substitute "531.0693, and 531.0694". (2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, after added Section 531.0693, Government Code (page 2, between lines 19 and 20), insert the following: Sec. 531.0694. PERIOD OF VALIDITY FOR PRESCRIPTION. In its rules and standards governing the vendor drug program, the commission, to the extent allowed by federal law and laws regulating the writing and dispensing of prescription medications, shall ensure that a prescription written by an authorized health care provider under the Medicaid program is valid for the lesser of the period for which the prescription is written or one year. This section does not apply to a prescription for a controlled substance, as defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code.